Not so fast on the Double Respect please

AO: Gladiator

When: 2025-02-04

QIC: Speedo

PAX (21): Butterknife, Chanel, Cheneral, Dark Side, DREAMER, Dutch Oven, Hitchcock, Liquor, Mater, Porkchop (Ryan Stackable), Scratch-Off, Slider, Snowbird, Spandex, Speedo, Spinal Tap, Tar Heel, TheBigShort, Yokel, Brownie, Dewey


My birthday is coming up so let's do some high rep counts since I'm older. Thankfully I have another year before the double-respect (gulp). Great numbers this morning. Disclaimer and go.


Mosey to the middle pavilion parking lot for:
  • SSH
  • Hillbillies
  • Copperhead squats
  • Phelps/monkey arms
  • Yoga moves
  • WGS

The Thang:

Mosey toward the splash park where a board of pain awaited. We (specifically me and my M) are heading to Hawaii tomorrow so an ALOHA beat down was on tap. PAX were instructed to do 59 reps of each exercise then run a lap. Half way through the lap stop for 5 burpees. The fun included: Alternating shoulder taps (alpha) Lunges (single) Overhead slap clap (low squat and slap the ground followed by an overhead clap standing up) Hand release merkins (so many kind words offered during this one) American hammers (alpha) Next we moseyed to the pitch for some more 'distract them with math' exercises. Partner up. P1 does the dora-style ab exercise while P2 does 13 of another exercise then flap jack. Target reps was 66 of the ab exercise then travel to the next corner for another variety. I think we did:
  • BBSUs / monkey humpers
  • Freddies / squats
  • LBCs / calf raises
  • Pickle pointers / jump squats
There were some interesting variations of pickle pointers that elicited terms like 'jack hammer' and 'baby maker'. Back to the flag for some mary and stretches where our O-rings were pushed to their limits. We wrapped it up with a merkin ring of fire.


Prayers for wisdom and for confidence to make the right/best decisions. Praises for strong bodies and this community to lean into.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

The cover photo (thanks ChatGPT) is exactly how I look and feel after every workout. It's crazy how accurate AI can be. I shared this on Slack but will share it here since Slack will delete my post in 90 days. You guys are a gift to me every time we work out. The friendships, the fellowship, the humor, the humility, the awesome conversations during coffeeteria...I can go on and on. It's an honor to lead and an even bigger honor to count you as my brothers. --Speedo out

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