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AO: The Hooch
When: 2025-01-13
QIC: Birdie
PAX (11): BallBoy, Birdie, Feathers, HIPAA - EPIC Story, Humperdinck, Maguire, Meatball, Popper (Dan Richard), PuffDaddy, Splinter, Y2K
Bring couponWarm-O-Rama:
After disclaimer, moseyed around the parking lot for: SSH, Weed Picker, Wind Mills, Mountain Man Pooper, Imperial Walker & Moroccan Night Club.The Thang:
Lined up the coupon to indicate the middle section (station 2), then indicated one side of the parking lot as station 1 & the other side as station 3. Exercise started at station #1 then mosey to the station #2(center) for coupon related exercise, then bernie sander to station #3, then mosey to the center, do the exercise and bernie sander back to station#1. PAX always face the middle station. The reps stated at 2 increase by 2, all the way to 10 (2-4-6-8-10). Round #1:- Station 1: Burpees
- Station 2: Curl
- Station 3: Copper Head Squat
- Station 1: American Hammer
- Station 2: Overhead Press
- Station 3: Mike Tyson
- Station 1: LBC
- Station 2: Bendover Row
- Station 3: Derkin