3 yr Manniversary- Trio of pain
AO: The Hooch
When: 2024-10-21
QIC: Turk
PAX (19): Angus, Animal, BallBoy, Birdie, Boomer, Chesapeake, Credit Check, Feathers, Flo, HIPAA - EPIC Story, Humperdinck, Maguire, Meatball, Saint2O, Scrooge, Spackle, Sunshine, Turk, Zima
The PAX were gathered around ready to work. Looks like no FNGs so I gave a quick spill and we were off!Warm-O-Rama:
Quick loop with some high knees, butt kickers and karaoke to lower area of the parking lot. Warm Up:- SSH – 12
- Weedpickers– 12
- WMH – 12
- Hangover – 12 L/R & R/L
- Michael Phelps/Covids- 10
- Overhead Claps- 10
The Thang:
Being my 3rd year Manniversary I came up with 3 pain stations for the PAX to perform. Part 1 11's- Mike Tysons on high part of wall
- Turkish Getups
- Round 1: Upper Blitz
- Merkins – 20 reps
- Dips- 20 reps
- Carolina Dry Docks – 20 reps
- Shoulder Taps- 20 reps
- Round 2: Leg Destruction
- Jump Squats – 20 reps
- Bonnie Blairs- 20 reps
- Star Jumps- 20 reps
- Broad Jumps/Lunge Walk – 20 reps
- Round 3: Core Crusher
- Flutter Kicks – 20
- LBCs – 20 reps
- American Hammers – 20 IC
- Gas Pumpers- 20