Hamburger Hill

AO: Gladiator

When: 2024-10-10

QIC: B-Lock-A

PAX (19): Bo Knows, Chanel, Cheneral, Costanza (Nathan Baker), Darkside, defcon2, DREAMER, Fire Drill, Hitchcock, Laces, Macbeth, Porkchop (Ryan Stackable), Scratch-Off, Slider, Spandex, Speedo, Tar Heel, Brownie


The maiden voyage


Not gonna lie, I'm a little embarrassed about my counting prowess, but we got warmed up nonetheless: 15 side straddle hops 15 weedpickers world's greatest stretch michael phelps 15 windmills  

The Thang:

I knew I'd probably crash and burn on the warm up so there was no way I was gonna come with a weak beatdown..... After a brisk stroll over to the Eves Rd basecamp we summited and descended that monster of a hill for 2 rounds of "11s". First round was murkins and big boys with a pair of burpees in the middle followed by jump squats (squat jumps, whatever) and mountain climbers. We didn't quite finish the second round, but I think we were all ok with that


Macbeth found a great charity to help folks affected by the hurricane, several prayer requests, and Dreamer's daughter is home safe from the hospital

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thanks for the support, gentleman. Glad I knocked that first one out. Gotta jump in the hot tub tonight. My legs are on fire

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