No Questions Asked
AO: Academy
When: 03/19/2024
QIC: lumbergh
PAX (9): Caffey, Cookie, Hollywood, HotSauce, MillerTime, No-See-Um, Turbine, uga
I finally get to Q my own Academy. Chatter was strong and it looked like we had a chance at some visitors along with DJ Jackalope, but still a strong 9 HCs. I had to bring it so let’s test our 5:15 brains of this group.
The Thang:
After a brief false start to pickup Hot Sauce coming in right on time (for him) we moseyed off toward the downtown green. Strict law follower Caffey was with us and so we followed all traffic laws including some Mercans, and Squats while we waited for our walk signals on the empty streets.
At the square we started with four corners with 20 reps of Bobby Hurley, Shoulder Taps, Squats, and Freddy Mercury around the block. Followed by 15 and 10. Headed back toward Academy where lights were more friendly for us so we did not have to stop moving for long.
We grab a rock by the ticket booth and I explain we will be doing the board of pain with a few rules:
- If anyone shows doubt of the next exercise or asks a question about counts or what is next then we must go check the board to verify.
- If we have to go check the board the exercises start back at the top. (I bet you remember them after doing them a few times)
- Oh also, the board is located at the top of the stadium steps on the other side of the track.
Let’s see what we can remember of the following randomized counts and exercises to get through the board:
- 22 Curls (Yeah, can’t make the numbers too easy to remember)
- 8 Bonnie Blairs (A)
- 32 LBC’s
- 21 Presses
- 16 Squat Jumps
- 30 Gas Pumpers
- 17 Mercans
- 19 American Hammers
- 14 Press Out/WonderBra
- 13 Diamonds
- 7 Lunge + 2 Sec Hold (A)
- 25 Curls
- 15 Hand Release Mercans
- 23 Monkey Humpers
We got through Presses (almost losing it at the second exercise!) the first time when someone was unsure of what was next and we made our 2nd trip. Pax quickly organized to help remember the list and subtly help the group but were stuck again at American Hammers. A little more team work and we got through the board. One last trip to check our work and bring it back. Great work from the group and catching themselves with some almost questions….
Thream up where one group will wall sit, one will mosey down the track and sprint back, and the third picks a rock exercise to amrap. Two cycles and we head back to the flag for mary and a short jog to touch the bus and push pax past 3 miles (or I guess 4 for apple users) and it was time.
So much going on but mainly start with the Beer Ruck this Saturday in Crabapple.
Prayers for those mentioned.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Always a pleasure to lead and to hear “I am going to steal that idea”. Please share the Academy love as you go out in the world