Popper’s Kitchen
AO: The Hooch
When: 2023-11-20
QIC: Popper
PAX (15): Angus, BallBoy, Beaver, Boomer, Chesapeake, Gasleak, Maguire, Saint2O, Spackle, Splinter, stitches, Sunshine, Tater tot, Boss Hogg
YHC loves Thanksgiving and its indelible association with the other F's not captured in F3: Family, Fall, Food, Football, etc. A rare near-term vacancy on the Hooch Q sheet offered a chance to Q Monday before Turkey Day and "ham" it up with a food-themed beatdown. YHC preblasted to the Hoochies to bring a coupon and don their stretchy pants for a belly full of acceleration.Warm-O-Rama:
PAX circled up for the disclaimer and the following warm-ups in cadence: SSH, Weed Picker, Windmill, Arm Circles fwd / bwd, Imperial Walker.The Thang:
Coupon carry to the portico, where Chef Popper had prepared a delightful menu of tortures (artfully illustrated on the white board) from which the PAX could choose their own adventure. Here's how it worked: Each trip through the buffet line, the PAX chooses a Meat-and-Three, and washes it down with a 20-curl aperitif, burp(ee)s 5 times, and takes a Turkey Trot to the theater. Similar to a gluten-free tag on specific menu items, Popper's Kitchen tagged certain coupon-centric menu items with a superscript insignia (II) to indicate it would be served with "Grey Coupon". Yum, yum, get you some! Meat (choose 1, 25 reps apiece)- Carolina Dry(-aged Ribeye) Docks
- (Gobbler) Goblet Squats (II)
- American (Honey Baked) Hammer (II)
- Squat Potato (serves 2) (II)
- Overhead (Cornbread D)Press(ing) (II)
- (Cran)-BearCrawl(-y Sauce), alpha count steps
- Mak(& Cheese)tar N'Diaye's
- Hand-Release Mer(Corn Souffle)
- (Giblet Gravy) Boat-to-Canoe
- Gas Pump(kin)er (Pie)
- Hot Apple Turnover
- (Cranberry) Mule Kicks
- 20 Curls (II) - bc we can't stop the hand-to-mouth motion of stuffing our faces!
- 5 Burpees - bc a burp helps the food go down better
- Turkey Trot - Mosey to the theater and back