Jacobs Ladder
Good morning everybody. Welcome to F3 My name is [TrainingWheels] and I'll be your Q for today. 1. We are free of charge, never any…
Good morning everybody. Welcome to F3 My name is [TrainingWheels] and I'll be your Q for today. 1. We are free of charge, never any…
After many weeks of difficult BDs I decided to keep my promise for a BD that was only stretching.
Noted that the Q Sheet had an open slot and with Halloween quickly approaching and me not being able to do my Halloween BD last…
As I was preparing my week, I looked at the Q list for Big Creek and saw it was open. I decided that instead of…
Big loop, 3 miles total. Welcome new resident, Peyton, who would later be named Double Dribble at the Wednesday beatdown. Prayers and praise for Scampi’s…
good morning