Date your wife!
AO: Rubicon
When: 09/19/2023
QIC: Speedo
PAX (8): Avis, False Start, FannyPack, Focker, Groundhog, Pinkey, Shazam, Speedo
Beautiful morning for a beat down. The parking lot started filling up, stretching was happening and suddenly it was 5:30.
Mosey over to the tennis courts for our warmup including:
- Weed pickers x10
- Hillbillies x10
- Copperhead squats x10
- Hangovers L/R
- World’s greatest stretch
The Thang:
Begin a mosey up Old Milton toward downtown. We stopped periodically for some high-rep sets including:
- 100 wide-arm hand release merkins. SSH for the six
- mosey a bit
- 200 American Hammers. HR merkins for the six
- mosey
- 300 LBCs. Hammers for the six
- mosey
- partner up for 400 single count hip slappers. P1 slaps while P2 runs to a designated tree and back.
Mosey back to the front parking lot for some apple turnovers. Bear crawl 2 spaces then flip over to a crab walk for two spaces. Rinse and repeat until time was called.
Prayers for wisdom for Fannypack in his job search.
Praise for the 31 year anniversary of YHC’s engagement to my wife. This comes about 3 weeks before our middle son is to be married!
Prayers for unspoken requests.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Life is full of highs and lows but most of life is lived somewhere in the middle. I encourage you to get used to and embrace that time spent in the middle. It can feel like a grind, boring even, but when you look back on it I hope you’ll see that’s when your relationships grew deeper, trust was established and grown with your spouse and kids, your character was tested and found to be weak but you realized it and became more aware for the next time it was tested, you learned where/when you are most vulnerable to sin and work to avoid those situations.
I don’t have any magic tricks to avoid the dangers that come with the monotony of everyday life but I encourage you to establish some routines, starting with your wife, to stay in sync with her and to remind her she’s the most important relationship this side of heaven (or should be in my opinion). Me and my wife started a weekly date lunch back when the boys were old enough to stay home alone during the day but also old enough to not want to leave them home at night. That may not be what’s best for your marriage but I encourage you to pick something and try to make it a tradition/habit.
I’m available with what little wisdom I have to share if you want to reach out.
–Speedo out