National Cheeseburger Day
AO: Black Water
When: 09/18/2023
QIC: Mantooth
PAX (11): Baskins, Better Call Saul, Mantooth, Mr. Hand, Olaf, Package, Prius, Samsonite, Schneider, Snake, Soul Glo
Still working through timing BDs… I bit off a little more than we could chew this morning!
Saw Black Water was still OPEN for a Q yesterday morning and decided to grab it. Started thinking through ideas and realized it was National Cheeseburger Day today and was thinking how I could work that in. Did a little research and found out that the cheeseburger was invented in 1924 (although debates are had about who invented it first and when).
So what better way to celebrate National Cheeseburger Day than to do 1924 reps of exercises through some DORAs. At least, that was the plan…
We moseyed over to the amphitheater for some SSH, Weed Pickers, Moroccan Night Clubs, and Michael Phelps on your own. Explained the BD for the day and moseyed to the start.
The Thang:
Plan was to do 1924 reps through three rounds of DORA (100, 200, 300) and then a mini DORA of 30, 40, 54.
We started at the train and partnered up for a DORA of 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs, and 300 Air Squats while our partner ran the hill to the light post. After working through that, we moseyed over to the coupon pile and partnered for the next DORA. This time we did 100 curls, 200 American Hammers, and 300 Sumo Squats, all with coupons. Called an audible at the 200 Sumo Squat mark and substituted the last 100 for 100 Overhead Press.
That gave us 1200 reps (between you and your partner) and we still had 724 left on the table. Unfortunately (depending on who you ask), time was up and we had to mosey back to the flag.
Again, I bit off a little more than we could chew! Oh well.
Braves game tonight for those going. Unspoken prayer request.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Special thanks to Better Call Saul for the friendly Name-o-Rama reminder. I got caught up in announcing the special deals for National Cheeseburger Day that it slipped my mind as we started to take a picture and head out.