Primetime at the Jammer
AO: Windjammer
When: 08/09/2023
QIC: Sparkie
PAX (13): Caroline, Deep dish, False Start, Mayflower, mike c (Brutus ), Milli Vanilli, Nair, NRA, Townie, uga, Walkie Talkie, Shark Bait
Open Q on short notice…let’s ride and dip into Townie’s bag of tricks. Welcome DR’er from Raleigh, Shark Bait. Glad to have you.
Normal disclaimer and mosey to the dam for Willie Mays Hayes, Imperial Walkers, SSH’s, arm circles, and covids.
The Thang:
Back to the Jammer parking lot for some “This Day in History.”
On this day in 1936 Jesse Owens won his 4th gold medal in the Berlin Olympics. We tried out a new event we will be submitting to the Olympic committee…dora style…one partner rifle carries a coupon while the other does 10 Bobby Hurley’s. That partner runs to catch up and takes the coupon to continue the rifle carry while the other partner stops for Bobby Hurley’s. Continue until full lap around the parking lot is complete.
On this day in 1967 Deion Sanders was born. The 1994 Defensive Player of the Year and SB Champ as a member of the San Francisco 49ers (did he even play anywhere else?). Jersey #21…let’s do some “Primetimes.” A variation on “11’s.” Complete reps of two exercises that add up to 21 each cycle. Start with 1 rep of LBC’s, run across parking lot for 20 merkins, then back for 2 LBC’s and back across for 19 merkins and so on. Slayed the merkin challenge for the day and then some.
On this day in 2016 Michael Phelps won his 20th careerl gold medal in the Rio Olympics. Everyone grab a coupon. 20 reps each of curls, overhead press, skull crushers and rows. Short lap then repeat.
Back to the flag for some mary. Q says no LBC’s since we just did 210 so we knock out some gas pumpers, big boys and…MERKINS! Q didn’t say no more merkins. Well played Milli.
Nip-nibbling tomorrow night on the lake. BYOB and floats and towels and pasties. 645pm.
Ready-Mix quad this weekend.
Prayers for Shark Bait headed to Ecuador on a mission trip.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
On this day…Richard Nixon resigned office of the President (making way for U. of Michigan football legend Gerald Ford to take over). I wasn’t feeling it today and was questioning my judgement about grabbing Q for the day, but didn’t want to be a Tricky Dick. Thanks for hanging in with me. On the bright side…merkins are done for today and tomorrow if you roll like that. Cheers.