Moving weight and Sprinting Hills
AO: Starting Line
When: 07/19/2023
QIC: Sirmixalot
PAX (4): Better Call Saul, Dunshire, Script Kiddie, Sirmixalot
YHC grabbed this Q and had an idea I wanted to try. Hill sprints in front of the fire station.
SSH, Imperial Walkers, SunGods, Willie Mays Hayes.
The Thang:
There were 4 pax and three implements – a 40lb Sandbag, a 60 lb Sandbag, and a Cinder. Each Pax moved an implement down the hill and back up. If you didn’t have an implement your task was to mosey down the hill and sprint to the top.
At the top each pax did 10 of any variety of Merkin. At the bottom they did 10 reps of an ab exercise of their choosing.
The implements were swapped each time – this repeated till every pax did every implement (or sprint) two times. Then we put away the toys and focused the rest of our time on hill sprints.
Good conversations and good coffee.