Wiffleball Homerun Derby
AO: Rubicon
When: 07/11/2023
QIC: Irene
PAX (12): COBOL, Cookie, Focker, Lil Hurt, lumbergh, Red Ryder, Special K, Speedo, Wilson, Zohan, Terminator
YHC bought a couple of Wiffleball Bats after a Q-spiration from the Boneyard about a Dizzy Bat Relay. I toyed with the idea but opted for something else: a Homerun Derby in honor of last night’s festivities.
YHC showed up early to lay out the distance markers, and returned to the lot to find Lumbergh ready for a pre-run. Off we go.
Pax were gathered and ready at 5:30 for the beatdown, so YHC led a warmup mosey to the pool parking lot for Buttkickers, High Knees, Carioca (Right and Left), Side Straddle Hops, Copperhead Squats, Imperial Walkers, Arm Circles, and COVIDs.
The Thang:
YHC led the pax to the coupon pile to grab a rock for possible exercises and we met at the Field of Dreams. Before the derby we did a lap of the bases – F3 style:
Bear Crawl to 1st, 10 Absolutions, Crab Walk to 2nd, 20 Jump Squats, Cheetah Run to 3rd, 30 Merkins, Lunge Walk home, and finish with 20 Burpees.
Okay, everyone’s ready. With our Nantan present for the Derby, who better to lead us off. Speedo steps up to the plate while YHC explained the rules:
1. Each batter gets 4 balls
2. Call your shot (pick an exercise; 1 Chest/Arms, 1 Legs, 1 Abs, 1 Movement per batter)
3. Batter up. (YHC provided a Tee given the difficulty of hitting (and pitching) a wiffleball in the gloom)
Pax performed the exercises called and did the reps based on how far the batter hit it. 30 Reps for 10 yds or less, 20 reps for 10-20 yds, 10 reps for 20-25, Run the bases for 25+ yds.
We ran through most of the basic exicon and everyone got (most of) an at bat.
Mosey back to the flag for CoT (sorry we were 1 minute late).
Four Announcements Today:
1. 8/5 Convergence with F3/FIA/2.0s at Brook Street Park (Alpharetta City Hall)
2. 8/11-12 Ready Mix Quad: 1k Swim, 10k Run, 20k Ruck, 30k Bike (Check the Hooch slack for more details)
3. Valley Girl’s run in Cumming.
4. 7/22 NLB Breakfast: Red Ryder is working on the finishing touches
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Thank you all for coming out after the @Channel @Dipstick call, and trying another of my odd beatdowns! It is a pleasure as always to lead and try to keep it interesting.