5 year Gladiator anniversary
AO: Gladiator
When: 06/20/2023
QIC: Brownie
PAX (29): BallBoy, Bo Knows, Chanel, Cheneral, Darkside, defcon2, DREAMER, Fire Drill, Home Alone, Judy, Laces, Macbeth, Meatball, Postal, RaspberryPi, Reboot, Scratch-Off, Snowbird, Spandex, Speedo, Stifler, Stroller, Tar Heel, Tebow, vertigo, WhiteWater, Zohan, Veggie;
Juneteenth is the official anniversary of the founding of the Gladiator by Spandex and Scar. I was invited to join by Spandex pretty early on and have seen tremendous growth in our AO over the past 5 years. Lots of lives, minds, and bodies changed through the collective work of the Gladiator men.
Big turnout today to celebrate this festive occasion and there was rumor of post-beatdown breakfast. I’m sure they were there for the lure of a Brownie beatdown, not bacon and biscuits.
A quick disclaimer was given along with a shout-out to Spandex and Scar before the mosey began. A lap around the parking lot with some karaoke, butt kickers, and high knees as we made our way to the center of the freshly returfed field. Once we arrived, we did 15 reps each of the following:
- SSHs
- Copperhead squats
- Moroccan night clubs
- Windmills
The Thang:
Time to get to work, so I started the Wu-Tang Forever playlist on random and stepped to the center of the circle and gave the following instructions:
10 burpee “buy-in” before crab walking or bear crawling to each of the corners where the PAX would find a sheet of paper with one of the 4 sets of exercises that they would do 55 reps of:
- Bonnie Blair’s (alpha)
- Sumo squats
- HR mercans
- V ups
- Thigh taps
- Peter Parker’s (alpha)
- Jump squats
After completing each set, Bernie back to the center of the field where you’d do 10 more burpees before heading out to the next corner. Once you’ve completed all sets, 5 “cash out” burpees. The gazelles that finished early were instructed to head out to the various corners and support those still working.
Once all were done, we rounded up our group and headed towards the flag, but not before pausing at the curb and broad jumping across the street where we finished with 5 squatty potties and 5 Tysons.
Back to the flag where we did the usual countoff and name-a-rama where somewhere along the way, a PAX snuck into the circle OR due to his lack of vertical prowess, he could’ve been there the whole time. Who knows???
Passing of the torch from Dreamer to MacBeth as Gladiator site Q. Long live the Shakespearean site KING for at least 1 – 5 years.
Other various events coming soon to our region. Check slack (if you’re into that sort of thing) for more details.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
I appreciate the honor to lead and put together a beatdown that challenges the group in new and different ways. Good to see so many faces and folks out there sweating in the gloom. Brownie out!