Chosen Suffering
AO: Gladiator
When: 06/08/2023
QIC: Fire Drill
PAX (9): Chanel, DREAMER, Judy, Macbeth, Mater, Scratch-Off, Spandex, Brownie
Quick mosey to the fields for:
(9) Weedpickers
(9) Hillbillies
Worlds GREATEST Stretch (OYO)
(10) Mountain Climbers
The Thang:
Thang #1 –
Partner Up at endline of the field.
- PAX1 suicide to top of 18 box, RED line, and midfield. At each line must complete at least ONE burpee. Total must be 20 burpees after returning to the end line (example: (1) burpee at 18, (1) burpee at RED line, and (18) burpees at midfield = TOTAL 20).
- While PAX1 does suicides, PAX2 is doing Gas Pumpers on the endline.
- Switch and repeat for PAX1 – (50) merkins/PAX2 – American Hammers, PAX1 – (50) Jump Squats/PAX2 – LBCs, PAX1 – (40) Hand Release Merkins/PAX2 – Box Cutters
Thang #2 –
- Mosey to the bottom the hill. PAX1 is at the bottom doing (30) curls with a coupon while PAX2 Bear Crawls up the hill, After PAX 1 completes curls – walk/run coupon up to PAX2. Exchange coupon when PAX1 catches PAX2. Continue curls/bear crawls until top of hill
- Same repetion as above doing PAX1 – (30) Shoulder Press/ PAX2- Lunge Walk up the hill
Short mosey back to the flag for Mary
2nd F this Friday @ Hola! Taqueria & Bar
Meredith (Dreamers wife friend) and diagnosis of cancer/tumor
Speed for Need volunteer pushers on July 4
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Grateful for the chance to CHOOSE suffering this morning. We grow by doing hard things and with people who push us to be better.
“The things we CHOOSE to suffer for the most are the things we LOVE the most”
Love my f3 family
~ Fire Drill