The Comfiest Couch
AO: Gladiator
When: 04/25/2023
QIC: Zohan
PAX (10): Cheneral, defcon2, Delicious, Judy, Macbeth, Scratch-Off, Spandex, Tebow, Zohan, Brownie
YHC had a few hits and misses posting, and even Qing, at the Gladiator so was very nervous the night before. Pre-blast called to bring cinders, but hinted we won’t be using them as always since I’m still recovering from lower back pains.
Tebow was one of the 4 on the Prerun, but couldn’t stay for the beatdown. He did another mile or two and had to leave. 9 of us stayed for the beatdown.
A disclaimer was given. sort off. Felt rusty.
A long lap going down to the pavilion near the pond and back to the parking lot. SSHs, Copper Head Squats, Weed Pickers, Willie Mays Hayes (side lunges, hold position during 1-2-3 and return to standing position on 4. next cadence do other leg) and OYO arm circles.
The Thang:
The PAX were standing in a circle with the cinders next to them. YHC invited all to sit on them. Before we started to talk about our feelings (nothing wrong with that, but let’s save it for the COT) demonstrated lifting legs up just a bit off the ground and standing upright. Once all did it, called for 20 OYO. Inspired by a certain couch at my son’s gym this one was named Comfy Couch, though Scratch Off wanted to rename to Squatty Potty. Considering I intimately know the editor of the Alpha’s Exicon, I feel good about the chances of keeping my proposed name.
All that was just to introduce the new exercise.
The Thang: 5 rounds of the following:
- Side to Side Merkins (one hand on the middle of the cinder, the other on the ground. Do a push up. Switch sides). Single counts.
- Comfy Couch.
- Dips, hands on coupon.
- Big Boys Situps, no coupon involved.
- Run a loop around the building.
First round was 20 reps each, then 18, 16, 14 and last 12. A few gazelles did some or all of a round of 10s. A bit of Mary for the 6 and a 10 count.
Second Thang:
4 rounds of – 6 Jump Over Burpees and run to the wall. In a people chair position do 10 overhead claps.
First round we jumped forward over the short end of the cinder. Second round we jumped sideways over it. Third round we jumped over the long end and fourth round we made the cinder stand and jumped over it.
Kudos for DC2 for perfect form on that people’s chair. 90 degrees sharp!
Again, a short Mary (though Brownie seemed fine doing Jump Over Burpees forever) and it’s time.
Scratch Off was our 6 and he reminded us his origin story.
Convergence on May 6th.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
I missed this group. Truly. Sometimes between family schedule and bad bedside manners (=on the phone for too long) I just can’t wake up in time. When I do, like today, it’s a reminder of why this is so worth it, more than a mobile game or scrolling through s–t on the internet. I appreciate the reminder.