Rubicon Rally Races
AO: Rubicon
When: 04/25/2023
QIC: Irene
PAX (6): Avis, Groundhog, lumbergh, Pinkey, Special K
YHC had this beatdown planned for Halpha Day, but scrapped it when the rain came in favor of a 0.0 under the pavilion. Since the Board of Pain was already ready, I grabbed the open Q for today to help out.
After the usual disclaimer, legal notice, and amateur status notification, we moseyed to the pool parking lot for a warm-up. SSH, Windmills, Willie Mays Hayes, COVIDs and Monkey Arms to get the blood flowing. Mosey back to the flag to pick up the cinder I requested everyone bring, and meet in the (out)field of dreams.
The Thang:
Rubicon Rally Races: Three, three lap races of different types of motion. Pax partner up and complete the motion while the other partner does AMRAP of the listed exercise. Flapjack and repeat for three laps each race before completing the “Award” exercise according to placement.
1st Race: Suitcase carry
(Pax carry 1 cinder in each hand from the outfield to first base and back)
1st lap: Plank Jacks
2nd lap: Lt. Dans (Squat-lunge-lunge-lunge-lunge)
3rd lap: Hand Release Merkins
Award: (Placement x 2) Reps of Absolutions
2nd Race: Run
(Pax run the outside of the FoD)
1st lap: Goblet Squats
2nd lap: Cinder Curls
3rd lap: Burpees
Award: (Placement x 2) Reps of Donkey Kicks
3rd Race: Bear Crawl
(Pax bear crawled from the foul line to the shadow of the light pole and back ~20 yds)
1st lap: No Surrenders
2nd lap: Cinder Rows
3rd lap: Captain Thors
Award: (Placement x 2) Reps of Burpees
We finished early, but YHC was prepared. We did a tribute to my late dog, Remy:
2-12-2010 to 3-30-2023
2 Bear Crawls (YHC declared complete after the races)
12 Diamond Merkins
20 Alpha Fire Hydrants
10 Lt. Dan’s
30 Squats
3 Burpee Broadjumps
20 Mahktar N’Diayes
23 Monkey Humpers
March back to the flag for Mary comprised of LBCs, Gas Pumpers, Dying Cockroaches, Freddie Mercuries, and Big Boys.
We circled up and shared praise to the Halpha Day Participants, especially those completing all of the workouts.
1. Convergence: May 6th 6:30-7:30 at the Wreck (Roswell Area Park)
2. Red Ryder is leading the May 20th NLB Breakfast, No-See-Um has the Q, reach out to Red Ryder to donate or help with logistics.
3. Fairway Social 2nd F on May the Fourth: 6:30 pm near the intersection of Highway 9 and Old Milton Parkway.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Thank you all for coming out this morning and trying another of my ideas. next year is my 1-year anniversary and I have really enjoyed being a part of F3 of the past year.