HAlpha 9PM: BOMBS from the North(Dawson region)
When: 04/21/2023
QIC: Script Kiddie
PAX (18): Avis, Big Papi, DDoS, Dosido, Irene, jugdish, Mater, muTTon, Napalm, No-See-Um, Script Kiddie, Sirmixalot, Stroller, Thumper (Terry DeLancett), TURK, Daisie, Stage Dive, Edibles
I had the honor/privilege of leading the second hour of the 12 hour HAlpha event (9pm). The first BD lead by Dreamer was a good way to start, and also thanks to Stroller and everyone that made this CSAUP event happen.
This was my first visit to the Rubicon location and as far as I can recall the first time I lead a BD south of the Firehouse AO, and the reputation that this area has of having PAX that could leave me in the dust did not disappoint, but I know that this was my chance to show the PAX what to expect if they head up to F3 Dawson area.
Ok ok enough of the chitchat, time to get to the BD.
Since this was my first visit I decided to stay in the same areas Dreamer did so we moseyed to a less busy part of the parking lot to get the warmup started.
Copperhead squats
Warmup done
The Thang:
First event was B.O.M.B.S.
5 Burpees
Mosey around the short loop
5 Burpees, 10 Overhead claps
Mosey around the short loop
5 Burpees, 10 Overhead claps, 15 merkins
Mosey around the short loop
5 Burpees, 10 Overhead claps, 15 merkins, 20 BBSUs
Mosey around the short loop
5 Burpees, 10 Overhead claps, 15 merkins, 20 BBSUs, 25 Squats
A call out was made to start working our way backwards through the B.O.M.B.S. acronym as we waited for the six, not sure who had the idea, but thank you! and I plan to use that idea again in the future, I am sayin this HIM don’t play around!
After that we moseyed back to the start to get the second part of my plan going
When you have B.OM.B.S. that leads to explosions/K.A.B.O.O.M.S. and possible pain
K.A.B.O.O.M.S. are done back to back no moseying required
K – 10 kraken burpees
A – 10 Absolutions
B – 10 blockees (basically a main maker, but had to modify to blockee so we can get more burpee variations in)
O – 10 outlaws each direction
O – 20 overhead press
M – 40 mountain climbers(alpha)
S – 40 SSHs
We still had time for more, sooo….
Jump squats
Mosey to about where the scoreboard is and back
Rocking horses – BBSU with a Hills to heaven added in
With that it was time for COT
Nameorama with Mater getting the video, thank you sir.
Sadly I totally blanked on the prayer request and Prayer, sorry HIM!
Naked-Man Moleskin:
A few minutes to rest up for the next BD which was the 10PM Ruck BD lead by no-see-um.
It was great seeing and leading these HIM and I really have to get down South more, thanks for allowing me to lead and looking forward to doing this again sometime soon.