AO: Grindstone
When: 04/14/2023
QIC: Whiz
PAX (10): Corn Dog, DirtyMO, Hail Mary, Inseam, jugdish, Snowman, Spit Valve, Tricycle (Mike Stolorena), Valley Girl, Whiz
Twas the night before the beatdown and YHC had just returned from a long stint away from home. I had settled into my comfy couch and I was in the process of convincing myself that I deserved some rest and extra sleep so I might as well skip the Friday beatdown. After all, I plan to do a long run on Saturday so that should be good enough, right?
5:23 PM: Text from site Q – “You good to Q at Grindstone tomorrow?”
5:24 PM: YHC realizes he forgot to check the Q sheet to see if he has any upcoming Q’s with all of his travel since he blindly signed up for one a month at each AO and ASSumed all would work out. Commence inner David Goggins voice and respond back with an affirmative. Continue to HC for pre-pre run just to further punish my inner-bitch.
3 pre pre in the pouring rain followed by 8 pre-runners. Hell Yes.
Lap around the walking path stopping for 9 sets of 10 merkins along the way. Interesting mumble chatter about runners highs, orgasm laps, and how merkins are supposed to work your chest but always seems to hit on the shoulders. Prolly due to my sh!t form.
Eventually come out to the B.A. parking lot where some unsuspecting PAX made another comment about his shoulders and gave YHC a wonderful idea. Circle up for some SSH, windmill, weed picker, hillbilly, and finish with a full round (that’s 20 reps IC BTW…DBAP) of bat wings. Man it hurts so good and an excellent way to practice mind over manner and being uncomfortable for a while. Finish WoR with the last set of 10 merkins to complete the 100.
The Thang:
C.L.I.M.B. routine
1 – crab cake (alpha)
2 – lunges (alpha)
3 – imperial walker (alpha)
4 – merkins
5 – burpees
multiply the rep counts of each exercise by the round number going up to 5 rounds (finish with 5,10,15,20,25)
run up the steps and around the pole by the pavilion and back between each round
All PAX made it through round 4 with some studs getting all the way done with round 5.
Back to the flag with no time for mary
2nd F w/ M’s at Stoney J’s tomorrow night!
Naked-Man Moleskin:
DirtyMo confirmed he’s never had a runner’s orgasm but did, in fact, experience a Mer-gasm from all the merkins this morning.