F3 Mental Battle 2023 – the Galaxy
AO: Galaxy
When: 03/28/2023
QIC: Blue
PAX (12): Abacus (Mark Green), Blue, Coat Check, Drain Hole, Fenway, Forrest, McLovin (Amir Oren), Percy, Skol, Wideright, Yearn
This year marks the fourth year for the Mental Battle WOD (workout of the day). This WOD was prepared by @F3WinstonSalem. #RESPECT to @Spicoli for the workout design and @Giles, an NC licensed psychologist, provided the mental health statistics.
Mosey to Football field
Mosey to playground; DiSCCs Initiated during OYO stretches:
- Di = Disclaimer
- C = Q had fully charged cell phone
- C = 2 PAX were actively certified and/or trained in the past 12 months in CPR
- S = Safety warning – when on a mosey, warn the PAX behind you of any obstacles
Side Straddle Hops x12
Hill Billy x 15
The Thang:
The Layout for the Workout:
Stage and drainhole made a two ends of the line with the center in middle. Each of the ends were a specific station.
Starting in the middle, run to Station 1, do the exercise, then run back to middle, do burpees, then run to Station 2, do that exercise, then run back to middle, burpees. . Add an exercise at each station each round.
At the finish of Round One, the below statistics about mental health were read aloud when the PAX come to the middle to do burpees.L
Middle Station (COT)
Round 1 = 2 Burpees (for a total of 8)
Round 2 = 4 Burpees (for a total of 16)
Round 3 = 8 Burpees (for a total of 32)
Round 4 = 16 Burpees (for a total of 64)
(Double Burpee count each round, so Round 4 would be 16 burpees each time you come to the middle)
Station 1
Round 1 – Hand Release Merkins x10
Round 2 – Add Clap Merkins x10
Round 3 – Add Toe Touch Merkins x10
Round 4 – Add Mike Tysons x10
Station 2
Round 1 – LBCs x25
Round 2 – Add Freddy Mercuries x25 (Double Count)
Round 3 – Add Heels to Heaven x25
Round 4 – Add Superman 25X
Modify as necessary options were given.
______ These are the statistics read during the Workout:
1. Although men are marginally less likely than women to develop a significant mental illness during their lifetimes, about 1 in 2 men will have a diagnosable disorder at some point in their lifetimes.
2. Men are about 2x less likely than women to seek help if problems do occur.
3. Almost 50% of men feel that they are struggling more than they admit to people in their life.
4. Depression looks significantly different in men than in women… Women tend to present as sad and withdrawn, while men tend to present as irritable and angry.
5. Men are 2-3x more likely to abuse substances in an attempt to manage their mental health, which often leads to other health problems.
6. Suicide rates in men have been steadily increasing over the past 20 years, and at present, men are 4x more likely than women to die by suicide, and this risk increases with age.
7. Therapists that specialize in working with men often use different strategies to make therapy feel more approachable… therapy doesn’t have to look like sitting in an office and crying about your feelings!
8. Therapists have historically done a pretty crappy job of helping men, though things are slowly changing. Men often go to therapy at the urging of a loved one, but men tend to drop out of therapy sooner than women because they find it unhelpful. This is a legitimate problem, and you’re not crazy if you’ve tried therapy before and it wasn’t helpful for you! If you’re thinking about reaching out to a therapist, consider finding one that has specific expertise in working with men. (from Giles, who is a therapist and can offer this opinion form a place of experience).
Prayers offered up for PAX travelling, as well as several mentioned by name.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
I personally believe that #HighImpactMen are fearless in seeking help for their own mental help and are equally fearless in encouraging others to do the same.
- I only began seeking professional help after a friend admitted that they were already getting professional help
Other lessons my personal struggles with mental health have taught me:
- In never had the slightest trouble with mental health until I turned 43
- It can happen to anyone, and often shows up later in life
- Mental health issues, if left untreated, become mental health problems
- Mental health problems, if left untreated, become worse over time
- Drinking will not help to resolve my mental health issues
- Drinking will, however, help to undermine my marriage, career, health and friendships