Monday Core Work
AO: The Wreck
When: 03/13/2023
QIC: Juul
PAX (15): aflac, Bear, Blue, Coat Check, Donor, Hammy, Matt Shields-Norm, Mountain Mama, rip, Rooney- timlonergan, Sell-out, Shake Weight, Tagalong, Tubbs
Mosey to the far lot for:
- 15x SSH
- 10x Windmill
- 10x Weed picker
- 20x arm circles
Grab a coupon from the creek and mosey over to the football field
The Thang:
Line up along the goal line. Overhead carry the coupon stopping at every 10 yards to do the below workout. Go all the way down the field doing the workout, then side straddle hop back to the original goal line, and then start all over with the second workout. Rinse and repeat down the list:
- 5 skull crushers at each 10 yard-line
- V-ups without putting the rock down. 1 at the 10 yard line, 2 at the 20….. 10 at the 100 yard line
- 5 curls at each 10 yard line
- 5 merkins on the coupon at each 10 yard line
- 5 kettle-bell swings with a bus driver at each 10 yard line
- 5 overhead press at each 10 yard line
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Always great to lead such an awesome group of HIM in the gloom