Ramp Replay
AO: Meathouse
When: 01/31/2023
QIC: Popper
PAX (3): Boomer, Feathers, Popper
Unelected Peachtree Corners mayor Homer notified the PAX that the parking deck ramp at Meathouse / Bridge would be unavailable starting Feb 1 due to maintenance. The ramp is just one of many delightful features at this well-endowed AO, so there are no doubts that the PAX will find a way to challenge themselves while the ramp doctors work their magic. To wish our ramp well while it is laid up, YHC saw fit to make it work front-and-center this morning. This morning’s weinke was the 3rd replay of a routine involving coupon work in uphill and downhill directions.
The PAX took a ruckless mosey warm-up lap around the town green with high knees and butt kickers. Back at the bricks, they further warmed up with SSH, WP, WM, IW, Michael Phelps and Overhead Claps in cadence.
The Thang:
Load up the rucks and Zamperini the coupons to the bottom of the parking ramp.
Consider each stretch of the ramping section to have a platform at the bottom, a platform at the top, and a midpoint in-between.
The program:
- At base platform, PAX A does 10 Squat Thrusters while PAX B and C do AMRAP Curls.
- Cycle through the PAX, one PAX at a time doing the 10 Squat Thrusters while the others AMRAP Curl, until all have logged their Thrusters.
- Coupon carry up the ramp.
- At midpoint, everyone drops the coupons and does 10 Burpees.
- Finish the coupon carry to the top of the ramp.
- Continue this cadence all the way up to the top-most platform, for a total of 4 platforms (40 Squat Thrusters), 3 midpoints (30 Burpees), and a whole mess of Curls.
Ruckless mosey lap around the top floor of the parking deck as an active rest.
Turn around and go back down with the following adjustments:
- At each platform, each PAX does 10 Kettlebell Swings while the others do AMRAP Skull Crushers. Cycle through the PAX.
- At each midpoint, each PAX does 10 Burpees.
- Makes for a total of 40 Kettlebell Swings, 30 Burpees, and a whole mess of Skull Crushers.
Coupon carry back to our gathering spot. Drop the rucks and coupons. Mosey lap around the town green. Back at the bricks, 11’s of Step-Ups and Dips.
Mary with Flutter Kicks, E2K, and American Hammer.
Thanksgiving for recent healing of loved ones’ injuries, prayers for healing of loved ones’ new injuries, thanksgiving for alignment with an M.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
YHC has built up a library of backblasts and Spotify workout playlists to be mined and replayed over the years, and this parking ramp-centric routine with our psychedelic workout mix are just a couple of examples. Glad to give the ramp the sweat of our brows as a parting glass before its time off. Thanks for allowing me to lead.