Down for a swim
AO: Windjammer
When: 01/04/2023
QIC: Zohan
PAX (3): Caroline, Maytag AI, Zohan
Last night YHC planned two variations of the same beatdown, one for light rain and one for heavy rain. Both in or near the pavilion in the sports park.
At 2am my house shook due to lightning and thunder, yet I hoped the rain would die down by morning. It didn’t. Woke up and it was still heavy rain with some lightning. This might have a been a good point in time to open Slack and see what other PAX are thinking, but I didn’t. I came a few minutes early to the area, still very heavy rain, and drove to the sports park to see if it’s possible to park nearby. As I came close the gate automagically opened! Excited, I parked inside and was about to text the channel that we can park next to the pavilion. Then I saw the messages that included the cancellation of today’s beatdown. Well, that made sense so I acknowledged and headed out.
On my way back I saw 2 cars heading into our regular parking lot, so U-turned and followed them. It’s then that the rain really died down to a drizzle. Caroline and Maytag where there and after a quick discussion we agreed to proceed with the beatdown. We left the cars in the regular parking lot.
Run to the pavilion and circle up for SSH, Windmills, “Reverse Copper Head Squats” (don’t know if this has been named or not already – in Candance: go down to squat [1], stay in squat position but bounce a bit to get a deeper one [2], again [3], stand up [4]), Hillbillies and OYO Arm Circles.
The Thang:
YHC went with the heavy rain option, TABATA style.
One round is: 30 seconds arms, 30 seconds core, 30 seconds legs, 15 seconds rest.
First set – Merkins, LBCs, Bonnie Blairs. 6 rounds.
Second set – Shoulder Tap, Flatter Kicks, Squats. 5 rounds.
Third set – Peter Parkers, Burpees, Imperial Walkers. 4 rounds.
One may think that we would stay dry under the pavilion, but it was like working out in a river. During the Peter Parkers, for example, my hands were almost totally submerged in the flowing water. While on our 6 for the core exercises we got thoroughly wet. Mumble chatter was good since we did not need to keep counts.
Forth set was modified. No timer. 3 rounds of OYO 10 Derkins, 15 Dips and 20 single Step Ups.
Run back to the flag.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
It was a lot of fun today and I’m glad we could use the pavilion to stay safe. Workouts like that make good “war stories” later on, but – as Mayflower commented – only if you stay alive.