When life gives you broken coupons… just take it out on the other pax
AO: Meathouse
When: 12/13/2022
QIC: Dinghy
PAX (8): Angus, Cohiba, McCracken, Meatball, Potter, PuffDaddy, Saint2O
When he was 5, we took my 2.0 to DisneyLand. Splash Mountain was very much on the agenda, and he was very excited – until the splash part, where he was drenched from head to toe. To our amazement, the 5 year old Jocko, who was at Disneyland, exclaimed to everyone in earshot “THIS JUST ISN’T MY LUCKY DAY!” That was YHC’s morning – all excited about Qing at Meathouse, big crowd, good weather, all set with a playlist, and then…….the reliable speaker became unreliable, and the reliable coupon from Home Depot suddenly disintegrated at start of the beatdown. Welp, as the title says, YHC didn’t get frustrated, he just channeled it into adjusting the BD to make it a little tougher.
With no FNG’s present, and some latecomers, we got right to it, with abbreviated disclaimer and quick warm-o-rama.
12 each of the following:
Willie Mays Hays
Moroccan Night Clubs
Copper Head Squats
Coupon carry (any mode) to the back parking lot
The Thang:
- BlockBuilder BOMBS – using the 4 corners of the parking lot, started with 5 Blockees in corner 1, farmer’s carry to corner 2, do first exercise and add 10 Overhead presses, Zamperini carry to corner 3, add 15 block Mercans (and this is where YHC’s coupon blew up – so adjusted briefly), farmer’s carry to corner 4, add 20 Bent Rows to previous 3 exercises (where YHC then went and grabbed one of the loaner coupons by the ramp), then Zamperini back to corner 1 and add 25 goblet Squats. Plank for the 6.
- Blockbuster BOMBS – reverse of previous, starting with all 5 exercises, and dropping 1 exercise at each corner, finishing at corner 1 with 5 blockees. Plank for the 6
- Tabatas, alternating kettle bell swings with curls. Carry coupons over to the parking deck ramp
- 7’s – At bottom of ramp, start with stiff legged deadlift (6 reps), drop coupon (gently), then lunge walk to first Tesla charging station, turn and face downhill for 1 Carolina Drydock, lunge walk back to the bottom. Continue through to 1 DL and 6 Drydocks. Air Chair for the 6.
- Carry blocks back to the flag – and that was TIME
- Well done to all who participated in Santa Ruck. Great turnout and a huge donation to NFCC. Similar kudos to the pax in Cumming, who did their first Santa Ruck!
- Don’t forget Feather’s drop in on the 17th (RSVP), and Scrooge’s Nogfest beatdown at the Widowmaker on Christmas Eve at 7 am.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
All kidding aside, it was great morning and the YHC truly appreciates everyone’s level of effort. To Saint 2.0’s point, the Q-sheet needs some love, so sign up to work those leadership muscles!