Crossing the 400
AO: Nirvana
When: 11/26/2022
QIC: Zohan
PAX (6): Dosido, Goose, Special K, Tank, Zohan, Spud [DR]
Last week I was trolling the Nirvana PAX, trying to get them to cross the 400 and storm the Widowmaker. It might have worked but Avis took the Q and kept them there. As the famous saying goes, if you cannot troll them, join them. So I signed up to Q the next week.
I came a bit early. Not early enough to ruck, just to scout the area better. I saw one PAX rucking. Turns out it was Spud, a Down Range. I apologized that he rucked alone.
2 laps in the parking lot. One regular, the other with ass kickers, side shuffles and Bernie.
Circle up for SSH, Weed Pickers, Hillbillies, Copper Head Squats and Moroccan Night Clubs.
The Thang:
Me Gusta (=I like) Merkin
This is a favorite of mine that I did not bring to this area before. We planked while the song Me Gustas Tu was playing. Every time they said Me Gusta we did 1 Merkin. There are about 54 of them there. PAX were granting as expected. Low Plank the last minute of the song when there are no more Merkins.
YHC brought his 60lb sandbag today. I picked it up and we moseyed to the turnabout with the school’s flag in the middle and went into it to stand by the flag.
A round includes 10 Burpees, 15 Merkins, 20 Squats, 25 LBCs. Bear Crawl out of the circle to the road and run the lap. Modification: one PAX does 5 ‘over the shoulder burpees’ with the sandbag, instead of the 10 regular burpees. Basically – starts like a burpees and when you go up pick up the sandbag and throw it over your head or shoulder. Make sure you don’t hurt your back.
Since there were 6 of us we did 6 rounds so everybody got a chance to play with the sandbag.
Escalating 4 Corners
We picked up the sandbag and took it with us though its role was finished. We moseyed across the street to the parking lot and stopped at a corner.
4 Corners – 1 Absolution, 2 Bonnie Blairs (alpha), 3 Big Boy Sit-ups and 4 American Hammers (alpha). That was round 1. Wait for the 6.
Second round we did same exercises, but 2-4-6-8 and we increased the size of the rectangle.
All in all – 6 rounds going to 6-12-18-24 and a much longer run. I think we run close to 5K in total.
We hardly had enough time to run back to the flag. Finished about 1 minute late. Kudos for the PAX who all wanted to finish that last round.
The count-o-rama did not start next to the Q (who was#3) and so the 6th man was Spud. YHC introduced the concept of asking the 6th to talk about himself so that we can get to know then men around us better. He agreed and I’ll post the video.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
I love it that the region is growing, even though I miss some bothers who became Nirvana regulars and stopped visiting the Widowmaker. It’s a worthwhile price and I am fortunate it’s just a 20 min drive to see them. I encourage everyone to post outside of their normal schedule once in a while and I’m grateful for this amazing group of men!!