The Cure for An Aching Back
AO: Meathouse
When: 11/15/2022
QIC: Dinghy
PAX (6): Angus, Boomer, McCracken, Meatball, Potter
Following a fairly long run on Saturday, YHC was still feeling a little sore, particularly in the quads and low back. Welp, one has choices in life – sit around, pop an Advil or two and stay sore (which may have actually been the prudent path this am), OR get at it and work that soreness out (and then pop and Advil or two and sit around). Option two was taken, and given the rough and ready crew this morning (loose term, we stayed out of the cold November rain), disclaimer was given and off we went – All PAX rucked-up.
12-ish of each of the following:
Weedpickers, Willie Mays Hays, Covids, Hillbillies, Moroccan Nightclubs
Fast shuffle-ruck around the parking deck
The Thang:
- Tabata 1: Paired Bent Rows with Hand Release Mercans
- 11’s: Rucked American Hammers / Flutter Kicks while hold blocks. Zamperini carry blocks for travel from one end of the deck to the other.
- Tabata 2: Paired Good Mornings (or modified to Stiff Legged Deadlifts) with Curls
- 11’s: Rucked Plank Jacks on blocks / Buzzsaws (or modified to Peter Parkers) on blocks, farmer’s carry for travel from one end of the deck to the other
Disclosure – thank you, Boomer, for reminding YHC to do count-o-rama and name-o-rama. Old and tired was not a good combo this am!
Announcements: Blood Drive on the 23rd (check Slack for details); Hot and Special 5K at Bushwood on Thanksgiving morning (M and 2.0 friendly event, Popper’s wassel after the race); Santa Ruck Dec 10th at Hembree Springs Elementary (see Slack Channel for further details).
Praises for Dinghy’s daughter’s success with her oratory contest at schools. Prayers for peace for our country and our world.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
What a great morning to work the soreness out (and build some new soreness in) and get back into the swing of things. Thanks for the max effort this morning, men – I certainly was strengthened by everyone’s embracing the suck and pushing those around them!