Modified Mini Murph + Curb Cut Craziness
AO: The Bridge
When: 11/04/2022
QIC: Speedo
PAX (3): Birdie, Boomer, Speedo
A beautiful fall morning to welcome the weekend. 3 pax is plenty to have some fun and sweat a little. Modified disclaimer was given and we were off.
Mosey around the green and back near the theater for:
- SSH x15 IC
- Weed pickers x12 IC
- Hillbillies x12 IC
- Hangovers each leg
- Michael Phelps OYO
The Thang:
Mosey toward the bridge to deek out Boomer who thought it was required to go to the bridge at the Bridge AO. Instead we took a right at the light and stopped at each curb cut for alternating burpees (x10) and BBSUs (x25).
At the whatever they call that awesome assortment of exercise equipment in the back of the shopping center, we performed a mini-Murph consisting of 5 rounds of:
- Burpees or pull-ups x5
- Diamond merkins x10
- Star jumps x15
Keep moseying to complete the circle. At the first curb cut we finished out a 4th round of BBSUs which we had missed earlier. We then switched to 25 sumo squats followed by 25 monkey humpers and got two rounds of each of those in.
Mosey to the parking deck where we eventually found the bottom level. Pax were instructed to bear crawl one parking spot then do one merkin, bear crawl two spots and do 2 merkins, etc. We made it to the top of that level (some much faster than YHC) and then came back down by crawl bearing 2 spots with 2 hand release merkins each time. That lasted a few rounds until my shoulders felt like they would catch fire so I called time to mosey back to the flag. A long round of hammers followed by some quick flutters and time was called.
Praise for Birdie’s successful and fun trip up to Niagra Falls with his family. Prayers for healing as they picked up an illness en route.
Prayers for the women of my church including my M who are heading to a women’s retreat this weekend. Prayers for the dads left to take care of the kids and for the women to feel freedom in Christ.
Reminder of F3 Foundation fundraiser this month. It’s not about the $ but about making guys aware of the Foundation. Check Slack for details.
Blood drive this month right before Thanksgiving. Check Slack for details.
Santa Ruck to support North Fulton Community Charities is Dec 10. We want to collect 10,000 lbs. of food and toys. Volunteers needed on day of event as well. Check Slack for details.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Birdie’s trip caused us to remember a couple of important life lessons this morning:
- Date your wife and treat her like the first love that she is. When the kids are out of the house it’ll be back to just the two of you and you’ll be glad you invested in that relationship throughout your marriage.
- Make your home a place your kids want to come back to when they grow up. This starts when they are still at home. Plenty of books and podcasts on this topic but it starts with being the leader of your home and recognizing the role you have to make it a safe and comfortable space.
Always a pleasure to lead. And I feel better that Boomer kinda sorta said he liked the playlist.
–Speedo out