Ready for a Fight
AO: Rubicon
When: 11/03/2022
QIC: FannyPack
PAX (14): Avis, Cookie, False Start, Groundhog, Lil Hurt, lumbergh, MillerTime, No-See-Um, Pinkey, Red Ryder, Special K, Trebek, Wilson
Boxing was on the menu today. I pulled every reference to boxing I could find in the Exicon and put them all into one beatdown.
I don’t keep up with boxing anymore, but as a kid I was a fan. My grandfather was a boxer, I liked the NES classic “Mike Tyson’s Punch Out!!” (and regular Punch Out!! after Tyson’s legal problems), I watched the fight live when Tyson made Holyfield into “The Real Meal”. I also loved the Rocky movies as a kid- at least up to #4. This one was fun to plan, and I felt like I was getting strong just making the play list.
Started with a mosey to the parking lot by the garden, which is usually well lit. It was dark, so we moseyed a bit further to a well lit spot in the road by the equestrian field. Lighting and curbs were both needed.
PAX circled up for a round of 10 SSH, 8 Weedpickers, 10 Toy Soldiers, and arm circles.
The Thang:
YHC introduced the BD agenda with some demonstrations of the less-familiar exercises. The list makes a circuit, and while I wanted to get through it twice, the extra running threw off the timing a bit. Summary below:
- American Hammer – 60 alpha
- Butkus – 3 rounds
- Rapid stepups- 1 m. on, 30 s. off; 3 rounds
- Floyd Mayweather – 60 alpha
- Planking, punch under opposite arm
- Iron Mike – 20 alpha
- 4-count Bonnie Blair
- Punch-up Merkin – 15 alpha
- Mercan, 10 side punches
- Butkus – 3 rounds
- Rapid stepups- 1 m. on, 30 s. off; 3 rounds
- Mike Tyson – 20
- Derkin, Horizontal Squat, Repeat
- Joe Louis – 20
- Boxer stance, Punch, Punch, Down, Up
- Apollo Creed Burpee – 6
- One-armed Burpee
We made it through 1.3 times before heading back to the flag. Many were sorely disappointed that we didn’t get to do a second round of Apollo Creed Burpees, I suspect they’ll do them at home later today.
The run went fast and we had 3 mins to spare, so we finished off with a round of Mary.
Super-inspirational sound track:
- Fanfare for Rocky
- Eye of the Tiger
- No Easy Way Out
- Going the Distance
- Living in America
- Burning Heart
- The Final Bell
- Hearts on Fire
- Training Montage
- Up the Mountain
- Gonna Fly now
Blood Drive before Thanksgiving, Beer Ruck on the 13th, Santa Ruck on 12/10. Details on Slack.
Prayers for sanity and safety for me and my oldest 2.0 as we travel this weekend. Prayers for MillerTime and Lefty as they join 50,000 friends in NY to run this weekend.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Awesome work by all this morning. Great work on some tough exercises. Always a pleasure to lead.