Deck of Death
AO: The Wreck
When: 11/02/2022
QIC: Bear
PAX (12): aflac, Bear, Blue, Donor, gmonkey, Grouch, Moonshine, Raider, Sell-out, Sic’em, Squeegee, Vanilla
Mosey to turf field and grab lifting coupon on way by. SSH, Toy soldier, Wind mill, phelps arm swings.
The Thang:
Deck of Death – face cards pass rock to your left.
Footballs – burpees
Baseballs – shoulder press
basketballs – skull crushers
Soccerballs – bent over rows
few minutes left so circle up near rock pile and pax calls out exercises.
Mosey back to flag.
Donor thanks for sharing and opening up about Lily. We are thinking about you guys and praying for you and her!
Keep lifting up Aflac’s business partner.