10/31 Halloween Beatdown
AO: Boneyard
When: 10/31/2022
QIC: Irene
PAX (7): FannyPack, Morphine, Scratch-Off, Speedo, Trebek, Zohan
While searching for a JC/Roswell AO to EH a friend to later in the week, I noticed an empty Halloween Q at the Boneyard. Since the HIM of Boneyard just hosted Convergence on 10/29, I figured I’d pick up the Q to give them a break from planning beatdowns.
As a light rain fell from the gloom, 7 Pax gathered outside of the amphitheater. Although the lights were on and tempting in the drizzle, we opted no to hop the locked fence and instead moseyed to the pavilion in the center of the park.
YHC led the PAX through SSH, Waterwheels, Imperial Walkers, and Toy Soldiers to get the blood flowing before the actual beatdown. Warm-up complete, we moseyed through the hallway to the lit side of the pavilion to discover the board of pain.
The Thang:
My search for Q-inspiration led me to a 10-31 Halloween beatdown. 10 sets, of 31 reps while spelling H-A-L-L-O-W-E-E-N in F3 exicon approved exercises. This exercise soup was also an homage to Lumbergh’s Thank You Q at the Boneyard in September, but it didn’t quite capture the magic in the same way. Either way the Pax completed the intended 10 sets of the following exercises:
H – 2 – Happy Jacks (5 4-count SSH followed by 2 Squat Thrusters/rep)
A – 4 – Alligator Merkins
L – 3 – Lt. Dans (Lunge – Lunge – Squat
L – 4 – Leg Raises
O – 4 – Obamas (44th Pres.) (4 hand bear crawl with 4 merkins/rep)
W – 4 – Werkins (Tempo 4-count)
E – 5 (alpha) – Elbow 2 Knee
E – 4 (alpha) – Evander Holyfields (Alt. Side Squats with punches) (YHC needed another E)
N – 1 – Newton’s Cradle (High Plank with Alternating Arms Extending) (10 Hands)
Total: 31 reps
With the intermittent rain keeping everyone under the pavilion, space was tight for all of the forward movement exercises, but PAX stayed close and moved through the motions wherever space could be found. The mumble chatter abounded and new Marvel naming conventions were developed while we worked through the board of pain. As time was called, most PAX were completing their 10th set and enough time remained for a quick jog back to the shovel flag for COT.
Pax exchanged prayers for Feathers, Feather’s M, Cox’s M, and Bo Knows’ M who are all recovering from various medical ailments. YHC reminded everyone of the 11/13 Windjammer Beer Ruck, the 12/10 Santa Ruck, but continued to forget Dipstick’s 11/23 Blood Drive (thank you Zohan for the reminder). Everyone circled up and thanked God before dispersing to begin their days.
Thank you all for coming out. It was a pleasure to lead.