Bootcamp Variety Pack
AO: Gladiator
When: 10/20/2022
QIC: Motorboat
PAX (9): Cheneral, Fire Drill, Laces, Macbeth, Moonshine, Spandex, Speedo, Brownie
Disclaimer Delivered.
No FNG this brisk morning
Work Hard, Have Fun, Know your own ability level.
10 count Motivator:
1/4 mile Mosey to pavilion of picnic tables where each PAX had their own special table waiting for them.
- 25 Dips
- 20 Merkins
- 25 Dips
- 20 Merkins
- 25 Dips
- 20 Merkins
1/4 mile Mosey back to COT to get our coupon.
The Thang:
- 50 squats with coupon
- 50 yard sprint out and back
- 10 lunges out with coupon and back
- 50 yard sprint out and back
- 30 count snow angels
- 30 LBCs
- 50 yard sprint out and back
- 30 count Apollo Ohnos
- 10 lunges out with coupon and back
- 50 yard sprint out and back
- 30 count shoulder press with coupon
- 30 count flutter kicks
- 50 yard sprint out and back
- Mosey to a friendly brick wall
- 20 donkey kicks
- 20 shoulder taps
- 20 donkey kicks
- 20 shoulder taps
- 20 donkey kicks
- 20 shoulder taps
- Mosey back to coupons
- 30 squats with coupon
- 30 count Apollo Ohnos
- 50 yard sprint out and back
- 50 yard sprint out and back
- Prayer Requests:
- Isaiah 41:14 Do not fear, I will help you.
- How this passage has helped me and my brother through is long battle with cancer.
- Prayers for Bo Knows wife and her battle of breast cancer.
- Isaiah 41:14 Do not fear, I will help you.
- Announcements:
- Convergence coming up…..be there or be square.