Go Braves
AO: The Wreck
When: 10/12/2022
QIC: Donor
PAX (12): aflac, Caffeine, Donor, Matt Shields-Norm, Moonshine, rip, Rooney- timlonergan, Sell-out, Squeegee, Switch, Tubbs, Whiff
With the Braves down 1-0 to the Phillies, the QIC decided we needed a little Pre-Game Warm-up for today’s Game 2. With the small numbers on Monday due to the mini fall break, Q wasn’t sure we would get a good turn out. A few last minute arrivals got in under the wire and 5:30 … Lets mosey!
12 PAX in tow and we moseyed over to the lacrosse/football field parking lot. Disclaimer given. Braves and Phillies scored 13 runs combined in game 1.
Warm-o-Rama exrecises:
- 13 – SSH
- 12 – Copperhead Squats + 1 (Q lost count and was reminded)
- 13 – Weed Pickers
- 13 Forward/Reverse Arm Circles
The Thang:
Thang 1:
Moseyed over to the baseball field for a partner Workout. Partner A bear crawls from home plate toward the right field foul pole. Partner B performs B.R.A.V.E.S starting with burpees. After 5 burpees run and catch your partner and switch. Next round we start with 5 burpees and add 10 Rabbit hop squats. Keep increasing count until we complete our B.R.A.V.E.S. All bear crawled around
- Burpees – 5
- Rabbit hop with Squat – 10
- Alligator Merkins – 15
- V-ups – 20
- El Capitan – 25
- Squats – 30
Thang 2:
With a little time on the clock we moseyed back to the playground for a modified morning call with Dips and Pull-Ups.
Back to the flag for a short round of Mary with 13 – American Hammers and 13(+2) LBC Flutters. And Time!
Convergence on October 29th at Boneyard in Johns Creek. Prayers for our silent intentions.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Enjoyed leading today. I really appreciate and need the accountability check. I would not consistently get out of bed at 5am for a solo workout. Every man needs F3!