Inspiration in Unexpected Places
AO: The Bridge
When: 10/07/2022
QIC: Popper
PAX (7): Birdie, Boomer, Maguire, Meatball, Popper, Potter, Tater Tot
Earlier this week, someone posted on Slack the Art of Manliness article describing the burpee as the perfect exercise, the ultimate full-body workout. This decision to share the article would prove a fateful blow to the chests, arms, front deltoids, thighs, hamstrings, and abs of the Bridge PAX, as YHC took ample inspiration from re-reading this timely spotlight on The One Exercise to Rule Them All.
Seven PAX gathered at the brick-laden starting point of The Bridge. At 5:30, YHC recited the familiar disclaimer and warmed up the PAX with rounds of Side Straddle Hop, Imperial Walker, Weed Picker, Windmill, and Forward/Backward Arm Circles in cadence. Then the PAX took a mosey to the pull-up bars at the far side of the Path of Pain.
The Thang:
Thang 1
Partner up (odd number, so one group of three) to accomplish the following Dora cumulative reps:
- 50 Burpee pull-ups (Exactly how it sounds. Burpee, and instead of a simple hop at the end, do a pull-up)
- 100 Big Boy Situps
- 150 Merkins
While Partner A does reps, Partner B moseys to the traffic circle and back. Switch. Rinse & Repeat till all reps are accomplished. 10-count.
Thang 2
Mosey to the stone benches by the theater dumpster. Same partner groups to accomplish the following Dora cumulative reps:
- 50 Box Jump Burpees (Exactly how it sounds. Box Jump on the stone bench, then down for a burpee.)
- 100 Dips
- 150 Mountain Climbers (alpha-count)
While Partner A does reps, Partner B moseys to the trash can near the playground and back. Switch. Rinse & Repeat till all reps are accomplished. 10-count.
Thang 3
Mosey to the bottom of the parking ramp, which represents the first of four platforms in an ascending parking ramp climb. Same partner groups. At each platform:
- Partner A does 5 burpees
- Partner B holds plank
- Switch
- Mosey together to the next platform
PAX collected at the very top of the parking ramp. 15-count.
Mosey back down the ramp to the brick-laden starting point. Much vocal admiration on the way for a very strong burpee performance by young Tater Tot. Circle up for Mary: Flutter Kicks, LBC’s, Freddie Mercuries, Box Cutters.
- Convergence 10/29 at Boneyard. Help wanted by PAX to volunteer to guide groups among each of several beatdown stations.
- Blood drive 10/23.
- Prayers for Popper’s family grieving the loss of dear, sweet Aunt Pat to pancreatic cancer on Wednesday. She’s in the arms of Jesus now, while those who remain look to Him for comfort to fill the hole in our hearts she had filled with such joy during her life well-lived.
- Prayers for Matt Hester’s family as they grieve the loss of his mother.
- Prayers for traveling mercies for those adventuring this Fall Break weekend.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Inspiration can come from unexpected places. For YHC, this week’s beatdown was inspired by a fellow PAX posting a workout article. For a hospice nurse in Hoschton, GA, inspiration to turn to scripture for the first time in years came from a terminally ill pancreatic cancer patient named Pat who, even in the excruciating pain and discomfort of her final days with the illness that would ultimately take her earthly life, found peace in her Savior and joy in glorifying Him before a stranger. This morning YHC is thankful for brothers who inspire each other to get stronger and pray together for strength to struggle under the burdens of this life, and come out the victor.