Rocks for Blocks
AO: Firehouse
When: 09/29/2022
QIC: Sirmixalot
PAX (7): Ace Ventura, Sirmixalot, Suarez, Zuckerburg/Snorlax, Seaman, FNG (Florida Man), Full Moon
YHC picked up this Q last week when all the time and options lay in front of him. What kind of epic beatdown could he create? The world was his oyster. Fast Forward to Wednesday evening in the midst of SCC – (Standard Concentrica Chaos) Everyone was busy and time for creating a spectacular beat down was non existent. So YHC did what any good self respecting PAX would do and scoured backblasts from around the nation to steal a pretty good beatdown from someone. Found a good coupon one – we hadn’t done a coupon centric beatdown in a bit. This one was designed around cinders and I intend to re-use it with cinders as the coupon at some point in the near future.
Moseyed around the upper lot to the spot.
SSH, Good Mornings, Sun Gods, Willie Mays Hayes.
The Thang:
YHC instructed the PAX to get a coupon and gather back around the flagpole. There we proceeded to do 6 rounds – 3 of each set of exercises
Round 1
10 Curls
10 Skull Crushers
10 rock/block swings (like a kettlebell swing)
10 deadlifts
10 cleans
Lap around half of the upper lot.
Round 2
10 Goblet squats
10 overhead press
10 murder bunnies (balance proved difficult with rocks instead of blocks – modified by moving the coupon out in the same fashion as a murder bunny but instead of leaning on the block just do a frog hop after moving the coupon)
10 rockees/blockees – burpee-like movement extending the coupon over head on the up portion.
10 clean and press.
Lap around half the upper lot.
Round 3
Repeat round 1 (This time moseying to the bottom of the hill and sprinting to the top)
Round 4
Repeat round 2 (Mosey to bottom of hill sprint to top)
Round 5
Repeat round 1 (This time moseying to the bottom of the hill and sprinting to the top)
Round 6
Repeat round 2 (Mosey to bottom of hill sprint to top)
Thang 2
Double ring of fire with 10 merkins
Finished with 20 ac flutter kicks and then time was called.
Count/Name a rama – FNG was named Florida Man
Prayers, pic, and coffeteria
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Good workout with three guys who are brand new to F3. Feeling lots of good momentum building in our area.