DJ Suarez was in town
AO: Firehouse
When: 09/01/2022
QIC: Suarez
PAX (6): Ace Ventura, LifeLock VPN, Lightweight, Suarez, Zuckerburg/Snorlax, pebble
some of the usual runners were in the gloom when I arrived (@lightweight, @Zuckerburg/Snorlax and a new addition @pebble) @Ace ventura decided he was too good for the run and he just RUCK IT out. @ Lifelock was also there but he was out for the count :/. Not sure if he was just sick or if staying out late for the Imagine Dragons concert and then going to the BD was too much for him. He stayed sleeping on the truck while the rest of the HIM got ready for DL Suarez BD.
We started as always with a light mossey to our regular warm up spot. Once there, we completed the following:
SSH qty 30 (@Ace thought is was too many for a warm up) suck it up nancy 🙂
Good mornings qty 12
Imperial walkers qty 15
weed pickers qty 10
Sun Goods qty 12
Reverse Sun Gods qty 12
Light mossey to the BD spot
The Thang:
Thang #1
Song: Jump around
Artist: House of Pain:
Length: 4.01
Pax jumped rope during the entire song.
Thang #2
Song: Thunderstruck
Artist: AC/DC
Length: 4:54
Buzzword/phrase: Thunder, Thunderstruck
Pax held an air chair. Every time they hear Thunder, they did a squat jump, and then return to the air charp position. With every Thunderstruck, the did a short sprint and return to an air chair waiting for the next exercise.
Thang #3
The pax completed the below exercices for four cycles. Once completed a cycle the PAX did a short sprint.
4 x 25 Merkins
4 x 15 trĂceps Merkins
4 x 20 LBC
4 x 20 Superman’s
Thang #4
Song: Roxanne
Artist: The Police
Length: 3.11
Buzzword/phrase: Roxanne,
The PAX jogged in place during the entire song. Each time we heard Roxane the pax completed a burpee
Thank #5
Song: Cupid shuffle
Artist: Cupid
Length: 3.52
Buzzword/phrase: Right / Left / Down
The PAX held a high plank position during the song and completed the below commands
Right=move to the right while on plank position
Left= Move to the left while on plank position
Down= Merkin
Extra points : Mountain Climbers when not doing movement)
We talked about NLB and prayed for @Ace friend, and my sister
Naked-Man Moleskin:
We stayed for a little while getting some java and talked about our wives and how lucky we are to be with them