Dadurday round one at Starting Line
AO: Starting Line
When: 08/06/2022
QIC: Script Kiddie
PAX (13): Dunshire, Janeway, Sirmixalot, Suarez, Ms Frizzle(FNG-Janeway's M), Songbird(FNG- Janeway's 2.0), Cruela(FNG-Dunshire's 2.0), Frida (FNG-SirMixalot's 2.0), Honk, Rocket, Fig Newton
Dadurday is an idea that I acquired, OK stole from the F3 podcasts, it is a Saturday that the 2.0s were invited to come and see the crazy things there dad do in the gloom and the Ms were invited as well.
The pre event was simply me checking out the field, confirming the football field was not to wet, so let’s us the field. I would find out later, that not all the PAX and 2.0s we’re in agreement with my assessment, but hey, it’s good to be the Q.
As time got closer PAX started rolling in, Suarez arrived first, with no 2.0s, his kids, like mine chose the fartsack route. Janeway and his crew including his M were next, with 3 of his 2.0s sadly no Komrad, this morning. Next in was Sir Mixalot and Fig newton, with his other 2.0 along as well. Then rolling in right at 7 was a very pleasant surprise, Dunshire and his oldest 2.0 arrived, just in time for the mosey. Gloves were handed out to the PAX and 2.0s that needed them, then it was time to head to the spot
Disclaimer, with more detail on what this crazy thing called F3 was all about was given, next time I think we should add in the core principles of F3 so the Ms and 2.0s get to know F3 a bit more. We then explained cadence and how everything exercise we do has a crazy name, and with all that out of the way it was warm up time
Weed pickers
Wind mills
Copperhead squats
Sun gods/reverse sun gods
Copperhead merkins
After that it was time to head to the football field
The Thang:
Before Thang1 started I had to stop on the way up the stairs to introduce the PAX, 2.0s and Ms to the concept of paying a toll. So, with the song Happy playing, what better exercise than 3 Happy Jacks. Tolls paid now on to Thang1
Line up on the field at the goal line
Bear crawl to the 10
5 squats, 5 Merkins, 5 BBSUs
Raccoon crawl to the 20
5 squats, 5 Merkins, 5 BBSUs
Alligator merkins to the 30
5 squats, 5 Merkins, 5 BBSUs
Crab walk to the 40
5 squats, 5 Merkins, 5 BBSUs
Crawl Bears to the 50
5 squats, 5 Merkins, 5 BBSUs
Bernie Sanders to the 40
5 squats, 5 Merkins, 5 BBSUs
Bear crawl to the 30
5 squats, 5 Merkins, 5 BBSUs
Raccoon crawl to the 20
5 squats, 5 Merkins, 5 BBSUs
Side shuffle to the 10
5 squats, 5 Merkins, 5 BBSUs
Side shuffle the other side to the goal line
5 squats, 5 Merkins, 5 BBSUs
At that point there were several vehicles that seemed to be interested in using the field so we started back to the spot for Thang2, on the way we paid another toll, this time time rocket, one of Janeway’s 2.0 picked 3 burpees as the toll, I like this kid, lol.
As we moseyed back toward the spot, an FNG, to be named later, joined in, he got there after we headed to the field, so the return to the spot was a blessing since the original plan was to stay on the field until the Bad was complete. Now with the FNG added in, on the Thang2
This one was a Dunshire special, so I gave him the first toss.
I had an exercise dice, gave it to the PAX to toss, we then to the dice and do the exercise and count shown, After Dunshire the kids had fun throwing the dice thed doing the exercises
Race time. Setup the course, and had 3 stops, each stop kids do 5 squats & PAX did 10 squats to help make it fair. Rocket and Amarie/Cruela finished strong with Rocket taking first, & Amarie right on his heels. The rest of the 2.0s and PAX came in after. Time for Mary
Hillbilly rockettes
Flutter kicks
High knees to run out the time
Other may have been called but could not remember them, I blame to much shenanigans for the lack of memory, haha.
And with that it was time to move to the CoT, all the kids did a great job and really took on all challenges, without giving up. Well done!
Count was 13
NameOrama and with that the naming of the FNGs we’re done
Janeway’s M was given Mrs. Frizzle & His 2.0 got songbird- since she loved to sing
Dunshire’s 2.0 is now Cruela due to her love od Dogs and the Disney Villians boardgame
SirMixalot’s 2.0 was given Frida due to her love of painting
The FNG that joined us later was given toadstool
Naming of FNGs was done and it was fun naming all the FNGs
No prayer request
Acceleration point
Shared the following from a friend of mine
“In the moment you want to quit, go one more step.
In the moment you feel your weakest, do one more rep.
You have only one life to live, so live your life to the fullest glorifying Father in ALL that you do!
We have a cloud of witnesses watching our stories unfold.
Are you telling the story that you want to be told when you’re gone?
You. Are. Loved.”
Added to this by telling all the 2.0s how proud I was of each of them and all they accomplished and at the end of our ability we have more to give and as we lean on God we can gain even more strength and do so much more as we lean into God.
Circled up said a pray then headed to the snacks
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Time for coffee, OJ and Chocolate milk plus snacks and thanks to Janeway and SirMixalot for supplying the snacks and non java beverages.
Also thanks/Tclaps to Toadstool’s M for taking the picture for us.
We then enjoyed the time with the Ms and 2.0s, this was an amazing idea and I am so thankful for Janeway and SirMixalot for helping get this setup/done. The kids seemed to enjoyed it, and I am sure they slept well, after the BD. We already tentatively have another one setup for Saturday October 1st.
Events like this, is one of the things that F3 is about, sharing and encouraging your family to be a part of what F3 is doing and seeing/tasting a bit of what their dad’s do in the gloom, and next time we will get the word out more and have a better turn out.
As always an honor to lead these men and love the way we help/encourage each other get better along the way