This is gonna hurt…
AO: Nirvana
When: 08/06/2022
QIC: Sprocket
PAX (6): Dosido, No-See-Um, The Real Woody, turkey, Tank
For those PAX with less than motivated M’s, 2.0h’s or empty nesters, QIC decided to make it worthwhile for all PAX that showed for a Saturday A.M. workout. With 2 pre-ruckers coming in…late and taking their sweet time for wardrobe duty while the remaining PAX began the warm-up after a disclaimer was given.
SSH’s, Mtn Climbers, sun gods, OH arm circles, a mosey towards stadium and another stop for more SSH’s for those who missed out on them earlier as well as a couple of leg stretches, and, a final mosey to MHS football staff parking lot. 15x rep count for each exercise with most IC and several OYO.
The Thang:
As Many Rounds As Possible of the following where each round included:
(1) 400 meter run around track
(6) Alpha-count “V-chops” w/ 35# KB
(1) 50 yd. heavy carry with sandbag (45-80# bags avail.) and six (6) burpee-over-bag at mid-point of carry.
(6) Sledgehammer hits on truck tire w/15# sledge
(6) Reverse lbc’s
The animals amongst the PAX topped 7-8 rounds.
With less than 10 min. left in the hour, QIC had PAX mosey back to where the flags were and circle for Mercan C.O.D. (Circle o’ Death) where 224 reps were completed before the strongest PAX prevailed.
prayers said for those with 2.Ohs returning to school this week as well as faculty and staff, those dealing with aging parents and difficult decisions regarding them, those mourning and those traveling. Impact Ruck added to this fall’s GTE (GrowRuck Training Event) in Woodstock, GA. Check #alpharuck channel for complete description.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Always makes QIC’s heart glad to hear men encouraging each other in the middle of less-than-easy workouts. It’s one of the things that sets 1st F events apart from any other workout QIC’s been a part of. Always an honor to lead. Sprocket out.