One year of F3, and I’m proud to be a Valley Girl
AO: Grindstone
When: 08/01/2022
QIC: Valley Girl
PAX (19): 5-Way, Crab Cake, Hushpuppy, Inseam, jugdish, Krystal, LifeLock VPN, Lightweight, Mr. Hand, Olaf, Schneider, Spit Valve, Stiff Arm, Swiper, Whiz, Zuckerburg/Snorlax, Harbaugh, FNG Tricycle
With Baskins we would have had 20 pax there, but anyway….
This was my 1 year anniversary Q, so I was excited to see 19 guys show up, and even more excited I finally got my 17 year old son Jaxon out in the gloom with me to celebrate 1 year. He killed the exercises like I knew he would.
Short mosey then some WMH, WP, SSH to 21 in silence and we nailed it, Sun Gods, Good mornings, Michael Phelps
The Thang:
I wanted to repeat the first thing I did when I showed up a year ago to Whiz’s beatdown. So we started with Bearpee’s, but this time just escalating 1 burpee each 10 yards, ending at the goal line with 10 burpees. We then ran backwards 100 yds, stopping every 10 yards for 5 Merkins.
Finished with a sprint 100yds and a run backwards to the original goal line.
Mosey to the concession stand for some Donkey Dan’s. Saw these in a back blast the other day and thought they looked marvelous. 1 merkin to 3 donkey kicks, escalating up 2-6, 3-9, 4-12, 5-15. Everyone thought these were marvelous. Marvelously sucky.
Grabbed a coupon, advised to grab a nice sized coupon, and we did some 11’s with Dips(coupon on the lap), and goblet squats. This was rough.
Rifle carry coupon to field for curls, skull crushers, flutter kicks and rows all in cadence.
Rifle carry back to bleachers for 10 alpha count step-ups.
Returned coupon, headed to the flag for leg raises and Dolly’s.
Prayers out to Crabcake’s friends who lost a family member, and to all the school admin who are going back to school.
It was a pleasure to have my son out for the first time, he loved it, not just for the juvenile humor, but loved the workout too. Meant a lot to have him out with me. Welcome Tricycle
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Thanked everyone for what they have done for me in my first year, the friends I’ve made, and the better man I have become. It’s been an important stage in my life and will be for years to come.