They Call Me The Fireman
AO: Badapple
When: 07/22/2022
QIC: The Real Woody
PAX (6): Goose, Sprocket, TheBurn, Toasted, Short Circuit
After a brutal, high intensity, gasping for air, sweat filled BD from Goose on Wednesday, today was a beautiful morning to work on building strength. YHC decided that with all of the shoulder work with coupons that was planned, PAX muscles would be on FIRE! Hence, the playlist included some of the best songs with fire in the title or chorus.
Disclaimer given…let’s begin.
A little Fire and Rain to start the Warm-o-Rama…
Sun Gods OYO
Hillbillies x 11
Mtn Climbers x 10
Abe Vigodas x 10
Mr. Worldwide’s Fireball begins and PAX are to SSH during the song, and every time they hear the word “fire”, they are do a merkin. NOTE: There are 23 opportunities to do a merkin…
Now that we’re properly warmed up, let’s go.
The Thang:
Pickup your coupon (YHC may have shamed TheBurn from putting his 10lb KB back in the truck for everybody’s favorite girlfriend, Cindy) and rifle carry a couple hundred yards to the starting corner of the Bad Apple AO. Pause at the 1/2 way point and do 5 Military Presses to get the shoulders going.
Upon arrival at the corner, YHC instructed the PAX to leverage the wonderfully made power poles that adorn the street (10 in all).
Starting at the first pole:
3x – Crossover Merkins
3x – VUPS
3x – Military Press
Rifle Carry to each Power/Telephone Pole – multiply the number of 3 exercises times the numbered pole EXAMPLE: (3rd light pole-3×3=9 of each )
QIC decided that the single-arm, crossover merkins (alpha count) were horrible and modified upon arriving at the 7th pole so we could make the flag in time.
Reverse direction and follow the same program
3 Curls / Skull crushers
3 Captain Thors (1 BBSU, 4 American Hammers)
3 LT Dans (Left lunge, right lunge, squat)
Made it to the 4th pole and PAX were directed to head back back to the flag while doing curls and skull crushers.
Praise for the personal and professional growth of PAX, and specific prayers for the Broome family and community with the loss of their husband, father, and HS Soccer Coach.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Always a privilege to lead these men. Shoulders on fire. Woody, out.