Wheelbarrows, Burpees and Hills
AO: Norseman
When: 07/12/2022
PAX (18): Blistex, Bottom Bunk, Callahan, Cup Check, DeLorean, FICO, Ha-ha, Longshanks, Nacho Libre, Orvis, Pepper, Stu, TMI, TO, Untouchable, FNG (Cam's), FNG (Fresh Prince), Guapo
0510 rolled around this morning and fellow pax Bottom Bunk’s F-150 was idling outside my door. Always a cheerful greeting, warm croissant and foamy cappuccino awaits me when I climb in BB’s truck to do the pick up of Untouchable on the way to the Norseman. YHC had been thinking of this beatdown since the prior week. Having been smoked by young guns Huffy and Chapter 11, revenge was in order. I shared with BB and Untouchable that misery awaited but they were undeterred.
The clock struck 0530 and the pax moseyed to the big parking lot. TMI arrived at the start of the Warm-o-Rama and obediently dropped down to pump out 20 Mercins as penance but we let him off the hook. SSH, Hill Billy’s, Weed Pickers, COVIDs and a Circle Burp. The Circle Burp had a hitch that if a pax called “down” before the last pax finished his burpee then that pax (calling “down”) had to perform five burpees. Nobody was busted for such violation although there were a few pax that tried to blend into the pavement to make that happen.
The Thang:
Mosey over to the football field where we lined up smallest to largest (sort of) and found a partner of equal size (Guapo got the short straw, sorry brother!). Each partnership wheel barrowed 10 yards with each then doing 5 burpees, switch wheelbarrows, go 10 yards, burpees and repeat to the goal line. The jack rabbits did air squats for the six. Recover and the pax ran towards the south entrance of the park. The Pax gathered at the bottom of the hill leading up to the tennis courts and south entrance. 11s was the name of the game. There were several attempts at delay tactics from some veteran pax with multiple requests to explain how 11s worked. Having employed such tactics many times before, YHC was having none of it. The pax got through about 75% of the 11s and it was time to head to the flag and recover.
Unfortunately, mission was not accomplished. Huffy and Chapter 11 were DR for beach time or some silly fart sacking reason. So revenge is still outstanding…
Direct from just walking the Holy Lands, Nacho Libre was back, in sandals. Special shout out to him for completing the BD in such footwear. Photographic evidence is presented for your consideration.
Blood Drive is coming up. Stu confirms that giving blood does not negatively impact us and may even have benefits. It definitely benefits the Recipient!. Prayers for Hot Sauce’s injured leg. Also big shout out to Guapo who had to partner with YHC in the wheelbarrow. He executed exceptionally well several weight classes above his normal division. Bravo Guapo!