Touchy Feely
AO: The Wreck
When: 06/17/2022
QIC: Sell-out
PAX (12): aflac, Bear, Choo Choo, Cliff - Chris Noto, Cutie, Donor, Moonshine, Shrink, Whiff, Zohan
Ending one heck uv a hot mess week! It’s FRIDAY!!!
Q led PAX up the hill to first parking lot. The one that looks like the moon. Especially to your hands when your nose is pressed right down on it doing a merkin.
Warm up with mountain climbers, spider-mans, toy(tin) soldiers, arm circles, side straddle hops. Yes they make me hop around. Why stay in place? Show me the rule!
Proceed up around side walk and down stairs to playground but traversing with feet up on one rail and hands shuffling along on the other rail.
The Thang:
Morning call with pax shrugging picnic tables while two pax at a time do knee raises from a hanging dead position on bars. Three rounds. Alternate with chin ups. 10 reps per round.
Move over to sidewalk and grab some lifting coupons. PAX lined up face to face and commenced to curling. They then had to answer a question to each other. Question 1, What embarrassing thing has one of your children done in public? Then we rotated PAX so they had a new partner. Overhead press while answering this question 2. How did you ask you M to marry you? Question 3, How did you get into the industry you are now in? While doing bent over rows.
Return coupons and mosey to football field. Divide into two teams and compete in a worm crawl race to 25 yd line. Each PAX does a high pointy plank while shoulder to shoulder creating a worm hole. Last pax drops and crawls under the others. Each PAX follows working the worm hole forward to the goal. A little rug burns occurred here.
Lastly to the bathroom wall for 30 jump squats while partner stands balls to the wall upside down. Mosey back to the flag via the indian run.
Short Mary to finish.
Praying for Zohan’s safe trip to Israel. The Q’s brother in law struggling.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Remember to hydrate men!