This went over like a lead zeppelin……
AO: The Bridge
When: 06/03/2022
QIC: Dinghy
PAX (6): Birdie, Boomer, Maguire, Sugar (Hooch - Gwinnett), Tenderfoot
In the Alpha, we have so many good beatdown options that it makes for a tough decision of where to post. That said, it also makes for somewhat of a competitive situation, so any Q who’s up at The Bridge needs to bring their A-game to keep folks coming back. How best to do that? With well thought out, iron-sharpening iron workouts that are planned well in advance and not on the drive over in a panicked state because the previous night’s swim meet took way too much time (and way too many beers) to get through. And thus the Led Zeppelin theme…..using a tried and true formula, tweaking it, and then having follow on tours just when you thought that last round was TRULY the last round….
After standard disclaimer was given, PAX warmed up with the following (x10):
Michael Phelps
Mosey around the Town Centre green, around the front of the theatre, to the side parking lot…..
The Thang:
Part 1 – Led Zeppelins
Most everyone has done BLIMPS (Burpees x 5, Lunges x 10, Imperial Walkers x 15, Merkins x 20, Plank Jacks x 25, Squats x 30). However, sometimes the hydrogen gets out of the dirigible and causes a massive explosion, or at best makes it sink. That’s what we did….
Starting at one corner of the lot, conducted a full BLIMPS set, then ran to the corner of the parking lot, and conducted another set EXCEPT we dropped the last exercise. Continued in similar fashion until we’d dropped to just burpees, run to the next corner, plank for the 6.
Part 2 – The Zeppelin Rises Again
Simply reversed the trend, starting with just 5 Burpees, ran to the next corner, and added 10 alpha count lunges. Continued until we were back to fully inflated BLIMPS. Plank for the 6
Part 3 – An old favorite
Moseyed to the parking deck from walking dry-humps. Conducted 1 alpha count walking lunge, 1 Carolina Dry Dock, and 2 Monkey Humpers. Increased by 1-1-2 for each set (i.e., 2/2/4, 3/3/6, etc.) all the way up to 10/10/20 of each. Air chair for the 6
Moseyed back to the flag for Mary, which included: Gas pumpers, Big Boys, Dying Cockroaches, Flutter Kicks, Buzz Saws (BOOMER – GOOD LORD, WERE THOSE PAINFUL!), and Freddie Mercuries….
- Announced CSAUP ruck (check The Slack for details)
- Prayed for all travellers for safe returns (esp Sugar’s M and daughter)
- Prayed for peace in Eastern Europe and the world in general
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Failure is not an option should never be viewed as an option when leading men. It’s a privilege to get to lead you fine folks as we sweat, and never let it be said that YHC failed to deliver – even when he had to enlist the collective spirit of the Exicon to come up with a BD! Be strong, men!