AO: Boneyard
When: 05/27/2022
QIC: FannyPack
PAX (7): DREAMER, FannyPack, Scar, Speedo, Trebek, Zohan, Brownie
Beautiful morning, beautiful sky, beautiful stars. Just beautiful. 2 HC’s turned into 7 PAX, just like the fishes and loaves.
My worst disclaimer yet, followed by a mosey around the parking lot with a waning crescent & a few planets hanging low in the sky. Circled up the lot for SSH, Imperial Walkers, Weedpickers, Windmills, arm circles, & Covids.
Hyped up the new Kenobi series dropping today, though YHC has concerns about plot consistency with the original trilogy. DM me if you’d like to discuss.
The Thang:
A repeat of “The Juice Ran Down” at the Rubicon from 5/19.
Cinder Relay:
Made two three(ish)-man teams, every PAX has a Cinder. Two PAX at either side of the parking lot. First PAX does Curls, the Second does OH presses- AMRAP. The Third starts next to the First, rifle carries to the Second and relieves him. The relay continues until all had two turns on each end.
Rinse & Repeat with BO Rows & Thrusters.
R&R with Cinder American Hammers & Skull Crushers.
Bataan Death March:
Leave the cinders behind (for now) & mosey to the alien landing pad. Line up at mid-field & run around half the field. Last PAX drops, does 5 burpees, & sprints to the front of the line, tapping the new last PAX on the shoulder as he passes. Everyone got a turn.
Captain Thor:
Time for a familiar routine & some ab work. 1:4 ratio of BBSU to American Hammers, continuing with 2:8, 3:12, etc.
Mosey back to the flag, picking up the cinders on the way.
Mary menu:
Scar’s Dying Cockroaches
Zohan’s AUTHENTIC Mercans
Dreamer’s Mountain Sprint-Climbers
Murphs- all around, check Slack for details
CSAUP on June 4th, details on slack
Prayers for Speedo’s mother in law, several health challenges, prayers for upcoming travel, prayers for comfort for all of those mourning the recent tragic events in our country.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
I felt a great deal of ‘weakness leaving my body’ this morning. This routine was tougher this time around. I’m appreciative of the strength and encouragement from within the men of F3. Thanks for the privilege of leading this morning.