Pyramids of Pain
AO: Windjammer
When: 05/25/2022
PAX (10): Cox, False Start, Funyun, Milli Vanilli, Morphine, Orvis, Pepper, Surely, Walkie Talkie
Tough to begin a beatdown usually filled with camaraderie and joking the day after a terrible tragedy. Reversing the normal order, started with a moment of silence for the Texas school victims before jumping into the normal routine.
Mosey to lake for SSHs, weedpickers, copperhead squats and some arm circles to get warm. Also, threw out the first Memorial Day trivia question which resulted in a burpee penalty for the incorrect answer.
The Thang:
Continued down to the pavilion at the sports park for the first pyramid (and additional incorrect answers/burpee penalties). PAX completed a set of 10 each of Derkins, LBCs and squats followed by a loop around the parking lot. Then it was 20 of each, run, 30 of each and run (plank for the six).
Second pyramid started at the top (or bottom?)…30 of drydocks, gas pumpers (probably what the group should be known as), and step-ups. Bernie to top of parking lot and return for 20 of reach, bernie, 10 of each, etc.
After the pyramids, moseyed down to the bottom of the parking so everyone could grab a coupon. 20 curls, shift two spots to the left (and a new coupon), 20 skull crushers, shift, 20 bent over rows, shift and 10 wonder bras.
Time was almost out and the shortest way back to the flag is the hill, even if you run it twice.
As always, a little Springsteen in the background to keep everyone motivated, and in honor of his announced tour in ’23.
From the hill, back to the flag for COT.
Need to find a date for Windjammer beat down/dinner at NLB. Check slack channel for discussion/voting.
Possible return of summer hours? Stay tuned.
Morphine posted a link in mumblechatter for anyone wanting to support the community/victims in Uvalde.
Prayers for everyone’s health and safety, especially those traveling this weekend, as well as for everyone impacted by yesterday’s tragic events.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
I wouldn’t be as motivated without knowing there’s always a crew to push and support. Appreciate everyone’s effort and involvement, and tolerance of my useless trivia!