Feel the Burn
AO: Academy
When: 05/03/2022
QIC: Mayhem
PAX (3): Hollywood, Devito, Mayhem
When YHC led a few weeks ago, I thought I had a good plan. It had been a while since I’d dusted off the Deck of Death, and wanted to give the Pax the full experience of all 52 cards. And it worked: we got our mileage/performed all exercises in the allotted time. But was it a burner? Alas, no. Too few reps and the constant change of exercises meant not enough time in the pain cave.
In F3 we like to accelerate, and with the Q slot open, YHC grabbed it for a shot of redemption. Time to feel the burn.
The Thang:
Thang 1 – Mosey over to the Alpharetta Green for a mini, independent DORA: 50 Makhtar N’Diayes (YHC’s personal least favorite), 100 Smurf Jacks, 150 LBCs. PAX did 25 reps then ran to the end of the green and back, until all exercises were complete. Devito voted for a run through the fountain, but we compromised by running around it. Maybe later in the summer as the heat kicks in!
Thang 2 – Next stop was at the small “Track” in the park behind City Hall. We started with 25 Mercans, ran a lap, then went down by increments of 5. Once all Mercans were complete, we went back up the ladder with Bonnie Blairs. With our legs now talking back, we headed back to the stadium.
Thang 3 – Heavily borrowing from one of Dosido’s Nirvana workouts, next came a true burner. Using a 2 minute reoccurring timer, PAX were instructed to run up the stadium stairs and back down. But that’s not all! Once back at the bottom, it was as many burpees as you could fit in before the timer restarted, and then we were running the stairs again. The pain ended once all PAX completed 75 burpees each.
Thang 4 – After a rare Academy 10 count, we took a s-l-o-w mosey over to the rock pile for some burnout sets. Pretty simple: do reps until failure, then run a lap around the track. Exercises were Shoulder press, Skull Crushers, Freddie Mercuries (Capped at 50), and Curls. Once complete, headed back to the flag for a couple rounds of Mary.
In total, we ran the 4-5 miles (depending on whose watch you chose). And as my arms are shaking as I type this, I’d say redemption was achieved!
-Prayers for Devito’s mother health, for clarity in the screenings to come, and a speedy recovery.
-Big Praise for Baby Sheppard! No doubt Caffey will have him throwing down burpee challenges before long!
-Praise for YHC’s new SS class.