Catch the Ball
AO: Galaxy
When: 04/14/2022
QIC: Sticks
PAX (10): Abacus (Mark Green), Blue, Compost, Skol, Sparky, Steamer, Sticks, Tweaker, Wideright, Yips
Always a good day for a VQ. Time to get that heart rate up!
SSH, Bear Hugs, Warm-up Merkins, Weed Pickers, Copperhead Squats
The Thang:
Mosey to the pavilion to get started.
Two laps of an Indian run with a football. Lead runner tosses it back until it reaches the end. Final runner takes the ball to the front and continues the trend. Ball must fly in the air between Pax and each fumbled exchange = 10 burpees.
Pair up and hit the hill
Pax 1 runs up and down :: Pax 2 donkey kicks — 60 accumulative DK reps
Pax 1 runs backward up and forwards down :: Pax 2 merkins — 100 accumulative reps
Pax 1 bear crawls up and runs down :: Pax 2 air squats — 200 accumulative reps
Grab a coupon and meet at the pavilion
Pax 1 cusacks to a cone and back :: Pax 2 LBCs — 100 accumulative reps
Pax 1 cusacks to a cone and back :: Pax 2 Big Boys — 75 accumulative reps
Pax 1 cusacks to a cone and back :: Pax 2 Heels to Heaven — 75 accumulative reps
All with a solid mix of your favorite 90s Hip Hop jams to keep it going.
Prayers for continued healing for Wideright’s M, Shell.
Prayers for Fondue Guy and his oldest 2.0 and her next two-year assignment.
Prayers for JFBC contact Laine Seely who is dealing with a form of brain cancer.
Prayers for Steamer’s friend Bonnie and her attempt to regain motor functions.
Prayers for Percy and Chelsea’s father-in-law, Doug, after his open-heart surgery.
Continued thoughts and prayers for the family of Ready Mix in the aftermath of his passing.