That Komrad VQ was un-bear-able
AO: Starting Line
When: 02/26/2022
QIC: Komrad
PAX (8): Ace Ventura, Janeway, Komrad, LifeLock VPN, Lightweight, Script Kiddie, Suarez, Zuckerburg
Much mumblechatter was tied to this one and several calls to get men out for what promised to be an epic/brutal beatdown, since this was a much anticipated VQ, also a debate was made for pre-ruck vs pre-run and since Ace was heading to Starting Line and several PAX were interested in a run, the call was made for a pre-run, with everyone rolling in at 615 to start the fun it worked out that 7 anxious HIM showed up ready to run, great turnout for the morning, and the run was begun. As we went along the pace was good and everyone was pushing themselves, even a slight injury with Zuckerburg, but he never quite during the run and even made it through the BD, well done and Tclaps to him.
After the pre-run one more PAX arrived to set the numbers at 8 and then it was off to see if this Komrad VQ was going to live up to the hype…..Spoilers! It did!
Komrad gave the disclaimer and he gave us the standard
Then a modified weedpicker and other stetches that helped us prepare for what was to come.
Good combination of exercises and stretches to start us off, then on to the main event
The Thang:
This recap is a cut and paste job but Janeway did a great job covering the events and plus I do not want to retype all the stuff, just being honest
” Mosey from flag to home base. Welcome, Disclaimer (sue Russia). Warm-Up: 20 SSH followed by 5 minutes of Q-led “dynamic stretching”.
THE THANG: 7 of Diamonds (like a baseball diamond, bases were laid out). Was supposed to be 7 rounds of different exercises at each base of the diamond with sprints between the bases each time, but since Ace Venture DEMANDED a pre-run instead of ruck (:wink:) VQ made late night change to mode of transition between the based for each round to something more… fun. 😉
ROUND 1: 7 burpees at all 4 bases, starting at Home Plate; transition between bases: Lunges. (After each round group waited at Home Base for the 6 and did called exercises OYO/as a group).
ROUND 2: 14 WW2 sit-ups at each base (starting at home base); transition between bases: Sprints.
ROUND 3: 21 ranger merkins at each base, starting at home plate; transition between bases: Bernie Sanders.
ROUND 4: 28 alpha count flutter kicks each base starting at home plate; transition between bases: Bear Crawl.
ROUND 5: 21 American Hammers at each base, starting at home plate; transition between bases: Mosey (jog);
ROUND 6: 14 squats starting at home plate; transition between bases: Murder Bunnies without the Murder (cinders) AKA “Inch Worms” OR Duck Walk.
ROUND 7: just done at Home Base: 8 Count Body Builders [basically a modified burpee with a plankjack added in]. Time to spare, so Indian Run around long track followed by 10 minutes of Mary (I forget what was called – list out if you remember). Time. ”
Respectfully Submitted ~ Janeway
To add to the recap, this was a well thought out BD, and near the end all the PAX were done, even one PAX stating they “literally could not do anything the last ten minutes”
As for the Mary we did
Windshield wipers
Controlled merkins
peg leg merkins (a one legged merkin) – 10 on each legs
30 SSHs
Then a ring of fire to end it and bring this VQ for the history books to a close with all the PAX both dreading and looking forward to the next Komrad Q
Also the mumblechatter during the BD was great! The dad jokes were pun-tastic, especially during the Bear crawl including awesome phrases like “that was bear-ly a crawl” and “That joke was un-bear-able” just as some example
Count off, nameorama.
Acceleration Point: Encouragement of our 2.0s, they are the next gen taking up the mantle of invigorated male community leadership in our 1.0 wake, learning from our mistakes and becoming HIM and the future of our nation. Announcements, prayer requests, ball of man/prayer, mosey to flag, picture, coffeeteria. Respectfully Submitted ~ Janeway
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Had to get a picture & we got in a bit of coffee talk before we headed out,
Ace shared a few things about possible ways we can help out the community and make a bigger impact on not just the men, but everyone in the Cumming/Dawson area.
Well done,Komrad! this was a great VQ and easily one of my top 3 VQs I have been a part of, Also who knows maybe we will actually see a Janeway VQ soon, Komard, his 2.0, could help him prep for it. Just sayin’ !