It was supposed to be simpler
AO: Widowmaker
When: 03/19/2022
QIC: Zohan
PAX (16): Animal, Chopper, Cox, Dipstick, F3_Operation, Funyun, Ha-ha, HighChair, Lotus, Morphine, NRA, Skip-pe, Tick, TMI, Zohan, defcon2
3 PAX for the pre-Ruck. We kept a strong pace all the way through. Animal and defcon2 talked about their upcoming mountain climbing plans (separate) and Animal shared a warm-up routine he’s doing daily, then asked to lead it. Of course!
YHC gave a very very quick disclaimer and handed out the reins over to Animal, who lead us to a quick mosey at the soccer field followed by the “Rainier Dozen”
- Imperial Walkers x 10
- 3/4 squats x 10
- Lunges (alpha) x 10
- Arm extenders x 10
- Dips (we skipped these since we were at a soccer field)
- Sumo squats x 10
- Freddie Mercury x 10
- Mountain climbers x 10
- Merkins x 10
- American hammer x 10
- Ranger crawl/Peter Parker x 10
- 8 point body builder x 10
The Thang:
YHC led the PAX to the corner of the soccer field and pointed out the 6 ‘stops’ for the upcoming exercise, being the 4 corners and 2 middle points in the long ends.
Run 3 laps around the soccer field. First lap 20 Merkins at each stop (starting with the one we’re on). Second lap 20 alpha count Flatter Kicks and 3rd round 20 Squats. Gazelles were asked to modify the 6th stop to Hand Release Merkins, Big Boys and Jump Squats. We picked up the 6 together.
YHC was eager to continue but defcon2 took over as Co-Q and insisted on a 10 count, which we did while walking. Then a short mosey to the top of the parking lot and partner up for a Dora.
Dora: One partner runs to the stairs, down and back while the other stays and work out. The exercises are 150 each – Merkins, Flatter Kicks (alpha count) and Squats.
I just wanted to keep it simple…
YHC called recover when the 6 came back. Looking at the watch I realized there won’t be enough time for the planned 3rd act, which was supposed 11s of Flatter Kicks and Merkins, with a toll of Squats in the middle (simple, right?). I mentioned this to a few PAX and they were clearly heart broken.
Modified 3rd act: We went to the terraces and each found a spot. YHC called various exercises in cadence, starting with the Dips (20) we didn’t do at the warm up. Followed by 20 Step Ups, 20 IC Calf Raises, 10 IC Derkins, 10 IC Sumo Squats (maintain low squat position, hands on thighs, lift one leg and ring it back down then the other side) and 20 more Dips IC. I hope I’m not forgetting anything.
We moseyed back to the flag where defcon2 lead American Hammers. YHC called Monkey Humpers, though some of the PAX were concerned doing so out in the open where people could see us. For the last exercise someone humorously suggested Pickle Pointers and YHC took the dare and led some.
Family feuds, health issues and job taking high chair somewhat away from us (at least for the midweeks). Announcements regarding No Longer Bound and upcoming Blood Drive options.