BDQ – Building a LEGacy
AO: Gladiator
When: 02/15/2022
QIC: defcon2
PAX (14): Bo Knows, Cheneral, defcon2, Delicious, DREAMER, Ironhead, lumbergh, Moonshine, RaspberryPi, Scratch-Off, Spandex, Speedo, Zohan, Other, brownie
YHC often co-Qs but rarely Qs. Despite the griping from the PAX, sometimes the rarity comes around. Never better than to do that special Q once a year on the Day numero uno celebrating YHC’s initial start on this third rock from the sun.
As YHC reflected on planning a beatdown, YHC’s mind went to a familiar place, “Use the Deck of Death”! The pax loves a good deck of death. But this one had to be different. You can’t just show up, slap down some cards, and expect to get respect from the PAX….noooo…..you have to modify as necessary.
Taking the Deck of Death in hand, one suite was chosen: legs. This workout was going to be LEGendary and would build a LEGacy. With the cards dealt and organized, a plan was set in motion.
Disclaimer given, Workout name announced, BDQ Notification, #45 is the man to watch, and the PAX was off.
Mosey to other parking lot and Circle Up.
Worlds Greatest
Ankle Circles
Mosey to Spray Ground Pavilion (it needs a nickname yall)
The Thang:
Grab a bench
- Bulgarian Split Squats – 9 per leg
- 6 count steps ups – 45
- Bulgarian Split Squats – 18 per leg
- 6 count steps ups – 45
- Bulgarian Split Squats – 18 per leg
- 6 count steps ups – 45
- Bulgarian Split Squats – 9 per leg
Mosey to the lower pavilion by the frog pond
- Bulgarian Split Squats – 9 per leg
Mosey to the hill-de-la-tennis. Starting at the bottom:
- Smurf Jacks – 45
- Alternating Side Squats up the hill to the cross walk
- Monkey Humpers – 45
- Calf raises for the six
Continuing up the hill:
- Lunge walk to the top
- Calf raises for the six
- 10 Count from @Speedo
Now down the hill:
- Mosey to the crosswalk
- Calf raises for the six.
- Reverse Lunges down the hill.
Now during this entire time, there was very few Co-Qs, however the was much Grumble Chatter.
Another round was initiated for the lower part of the hill the pax time checked at 5:56.
Fast Mosey Back to the Flag!
The COT was brief with prayers for Lumbergh, Scratchoff, and others mentioned/unmentioned.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Surrounded by such faithful companions the YHC was pleased. It is a pleasure to join with brothers to work hard and live life.
The number 45 was made known, PAX learned about and to fear the Bulgarian Split Squats, and fun was had by all that posted.
Thank you to the PAX for allowing YHC to serve as Q and thanks to Dreamer for allowing the line cut on the Q Sheet for the BDQ.