Hoppylike Bowl I
AO: Hoppylike
When: 02/11/2022
QIC: lumbergh
PAX (6): Caffey, Ha-ha, Lefty, Log Cabin, Stroller
I wanted the shot at a Q before I have a procedure that will take me out for a couple of months. I hyped a celebration of the big game this weekend and a quest for the newly created Lumbarghi trophy (a scrap of wood that I drew on last minute).
Welcome to Hoppylike League Bowl One
The Thang:
Run up Thompson through downtown arriving at the Academy field.
Quick split of teams by selecting your choice to win this weekend. Each team lines up in opposite end zones.
Original thought was for whoever on a team made it to the other end zone without being tagged earned a TD but we actually had a ball so we went with that as the guide.
Bengals first (Caffey, Stroller, YHC).
After a couple of illegal forward passes I may or may not have hit the unmarked end zone as Haha tagged me. I am gifted the TD by the officials.
Rams (Lefty, Haha and Log Cabin) take their side and with the use of blinding head lamps stuffs the defense and Log Cabin sets a hard to beat 100 yard return untouched.
And so Hoppylike predicts a Rams win or maybe a tie.
Pax run back down Academy arriving back at the flag for the presentation.
Log Cabin earns MVP and has his name inscribed on the trophy. Congrats!
Prayers for Caffeys family for transitions and medical procedures.
Prayers for local family who lost the Mom.
Prayers for YHC and his ankle.
Good thoughts for Lefty’s EH coming out to Nirvana tomorrow.
Requests for leadership to step up and support F3Alpha.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Always a pleasure to lead. Can’t wait to be at it again.