Let’s Get Ready For The Playoffs!! 49ers Style
AO: Windjammer
When: 01/12/2022
QIC: Dr. Rico
PAX (12): Cox, Dipstick, False Start, Funyun, Ha-ha, Milli Vanilli, NRA, Slippy, Stiff Arm, Townie, Walkie Talkie
The NFL Playoffs start this weekend! Let’s goooooooooooooooo!!!!
Before we kicked off, Haha gave False Start a gift that will help him recover from his recent procedure (use your imagination). Also, anyone else think that False Start’s name is even more relevant to him now?
A quick mosey on over to the Windammer for a quick little warmup.
- Hillbillies
- Weedpickers
Then it was time to mosey on over to beatdown spot that YHC had prepared. Unfortunately I was so excited to talk t0 False Start after his 6 month hiatus that we ran right past it…whoops.
The Thang:
Given that the greatest franchise of the history of the NFL is in the playoffs and will win the super bowl in a few weeks I figured I’d give the potentially less informed PAX a little knowledge on some of the superstars on the 49ers.
For each player below we did their number of a certain exercise and then a hill. Each round built on each other. So after the first round, one hill, come back do the first exercise again then the second exercise then two hills, etc. We grabbed some boulders and hit it.
8 – Steve Youngs – I know he’s not a current player, but Steve Young was the reason why I fell in love with the 49ers. He was the QB when they won the super bowl when I was 6. And if anyone knows anything about Steve Young they know he was an all around QB, he could do it all. So we needed an all around workout. 8 burpees
10 – Jimmy Garoppolos – If anyone knows anything about Jimmy G…that’s a handsome man right there. So 10 curls for the gurls in his honor
19 – Deebo Samuels – If anyone has seen Deebo Samuel run over a couple defenders on his way to the end zone…they know he don’t skep leg day. 19 squats for Deebo
54 – Fred Warners – If you get hit by all pro middle linebacker Fred Warner…you’re gonna be bent over. 54 bent over rows for Fred
85 – George Kittles – If anyone has seen George Kittle run over a couple defenders or pancake block a guy or two…they know he also doesn’t skip leg day. 85 monkey humpers for George
97 – Nick Bosas – If you’ve ever seen 15+ sack Nick Bosa…you know he a big boy. 97 big boy sit-ups for Nick.
No one made it all the way through.
Milli Vanilli repeated some words of wisdom about being prepared that were shared at what sounds like an extremely memorable Grindstone workout.
Always a great time at the Windjammer! Hopefully I converted a few fans for the next few weeks. Anyone is welcome on the bandwagon. Let’s go Niners!